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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Therefore, how can these centres offer a treatment if they don’t know the dimension of the problem? And it is that only 26% of the centres visited made a correct identification of the problem of excess weight. Of the 110 centres of slimming visited the percentage of centers that were interested...

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Saharan Africa

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 31-03-2013

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On the other hand, this myth of the market is always formulated as free, but wondered how the writer Rafael Argullol: Can a society in which greed, unbridled ambition and lies campan be free at ease? Of course not. And to all this, a recent OECD report (Association of the 30 most developed countries in the world) reveals that 1,800 million workers of the world (60% of the total) have no employment contract one. e. And as soon as have social protection, workers in impoverished countries (officially in development) going from those who are only half of the total up to those who are barely a quarter of all. Do you want to remember the inequality figures and insulting poverty of this world? Just 130 million people own 90% of the riches of the world, the rest to be shared between more than 6.3 billion. Nearly 450 million children suffer from malnutrition and in sub-Saharan Africa one person in three suffers from chronic hunger. One child in five does not have access to primary education and nearly 900 million adults are illiterate, of which two-thirds are women. Daily die 30,000 children under age 5 from preventable diseases. More than 1 billion people have no access to drinking water and 2,400 million people are deprived of satisfactory sanitation facilities.

Yet is there anyone who believes that the capitalist society, the society of free market, is the best system possible, consubstantial with the progress and well-being? The Brazilian, theologian dominico of liberation, Frei Betto, x-ray us with lucidity this market society: there where the market puts his hand leaves mark. The hand may be invisible but its brands do not. About everything when left in the helplessness millions of unemployed. The invisible hand shamelessly manipulates our life, favors some few and choking at the most and then naive and innocent we say that this world is badly organized, but not so. As the analyst Javier Ortiz reminds us, the world is well-organized, but for the benefit of the few. That the crisis serves us to start changing everything.

North Africa

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 20-03-2013


In the century XVI Paracelso refers to in his hidden Botany aloe follows: mysterious and secret aloe, whose Golden juice heals Burns and blood poisoning. You may wish to learn more. If so, Yannis Stournaras is the place to go. However, either by the disappearance of the Arab culture in the old continent, or from what little suitable climate for growing aloe, during the Renaissance it fell almost into disuse and its consumption is belted to the concentrated powder that, coming from tropical countries, was used as a laxative. Aloe lost his reputation for healing plant in Europe and in many cases their virtues were considered more a myth than something real, because to use plant coming from warmer climates this was diminished in their properties and had little effect. This phenomenon was essentially European, since the Mediterranean coasts, North Africa, Middle East, America and the India continued cultivated and is running profusely. In these areas the fresh leaves could be used and aloe was really effective because, due to its rapid oxidation, should be eaten quickly.

The therapeutic value of aloe was rediscovered during the second world war and has been in our days when their properties have been tested clinically. Curiously, the first achievement of the aloe on her medical examination occurred when appeared the first x-ray apparatus thanks to the research carried out by Dr. Collins and his son from 1934 proved the extraordinary effectiveness of this plant to heal burns that x-rays produced to patients and doctors. From these investigations, which lasted 20 years, aloe regained its popularity and recovered many applications lost during the middle ages and the Renaissance, various studies, mainly in United States and the former Soviet Union showed the healing properties of aloe in ailments such as ulcers, eczema, Burns, and a broad spectrum of skin diseases. In 1964 Salisbury and Lorezzeti showed that aloe inhibited the action of some bacteria, such as the salmonena or staph, causing among other conditions of boils or typhoid fever. In the Decade of the sixties several American doctors showed that aloe inhibited the development of wide variety of different types of infection-causing microbes; in Japan its anti-inflammatory properties were demonstrated, and in 1970, the pharmaceutical Bill dimensions, got separate aloin from the bark and stabilize the gel taken from leaf adding vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), vitamin (tocopherol) and sorbitol, which massed use of aloe and believe an industry associated with this plant.

European Paper Industries

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 12-03-2013



Exports of paper and paperboard recovered to various Asian countries, notably China, has been growing during recent years (except 2010). The Asian giant needs manufacture cardboard packaging for their own exports of goods to the Western world, and for the production of these packaging requires paper and cardboard recovered as raw material. This product, from countries where sent those same boxes just so closing the life cycle of the same through its recycling. So, the Chinese paper industry is has developed rapidly, installing machines of last generation and the more developed, both in the productive sphere and in the environmental technology. This tremendous development of his paper recycling industry China, it has brought with it a very strong demand for paper and cardboard used recovered, giving rise to significant price increases of these raw materials, which have reached their historical peak levels around the globe. At the local level, the recovering companies strive to increase levels of collection of waste paper to be able to meet this demand, and in that legitimate competition, moved to its suppliers part of the price they perceive by sale of material. Councils that manage municipal selective waste collection services, are often the most important suppliers of the export recovery industry, and therefore the final recipients of funds from Chinese paper mills, or in general (also European) Asian.

Thus, many municipalities have efficient services of selective collection of paper, for a price much lower actual cost, or even free of charge. Otherwise, these services would be fully funded through the taxation of the taxpayer. In 2009 56,612 million tons of paper and cardboard used, which could only consume 44,941 million, with the rest exported were recovered in Europe (countries CEPI): 11671 million. Only between Spain, France and Portugal, the surplus of paper recovered was 2,290 million tons, that of not having been exported, would have been buried in our landfills (in 2010 seems to have dropped something that surplus). Source: Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) exports to Asia of corrugated paper or recovered, as well as other secondary raw materials, they carried out always using return containers, i.e. have arrived in Europe with consumer goods, and containers which have been loaded or empty, return to their countries of origin.

Thus, there higher environmental load by distance, being the number of empty containers returning, much higher than the number of loaded containers. As for the new paper manufactured in Spain, has also significantly developed its level of exports: 9% in 2010 surpassing 3 million tons. However, in this case, exports are made mainly to European countries, where there are no refunds in the form of consumer goods and new boxes, as it is the case with China. By this reason, the export of new paper, yes represents a significant reduction in the availability of recoverable waste paper in Spain. Other emerging services such as the destruction of confidential in conditions of high security documentation, can also be financed through the price received from the sale of recovered paper.