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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Alegria Medicine

In such environment, it is understood that I then studied economics and law with the Jesuits of the very exclusive Universidad Comercial de Deusto: that was certainly considered a presentable College option, consistent with my collegiate academic record and that enjoyed the approval of my parents. To...

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The Design

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 11-04-2013

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In our environment to provide efficiency and quality of services, to create this model of digital organization, which demands from your needs results must use internet, now must not confuse, is access to the internet as a way to access a system created by the company from the design of its flow of information, customizable to your needs and flexible to changes in the environment, internet not homogenized and homogenizes the computers of its nodes, but that integrates existing and promotes the emergence of specialized servers and your sharing with the areas involved; We need to broaden our traditional view of chain of materials or products, to provide a service at a reasonable cost, must develop ties, networks or Digital meshes that setpoints chains of collaboration between our companies, integrators and specialized, with shared resources in this organization Digital model. I.e., each company belongs to one or more strings his act in this environment from each regulation, resolution, operation, procedure, or statement business, ministerial, design and supply or State, and his performance itself in this context, you will define their results in each activity and timing of this chain, however we get lost, we do not envision, we do not understand this relationshipWe do not have it in mind, we do not exploit it, finally we do not recognize it as a strategy, and less as a strategic and social value, how do we integrate ourselves?, how to synchronize their operations including, without generating high costs, without bringing them to any place in this chain, and least move it to the final consumer; do we need both manage these links?, depends on several factors, depends on the design of information, the use and application of digital technology as way of competitiveness and efficiency, there are several dimensions to consider on the basis of complexity, integrality and chain length, which makes more complex defining and designing the relationship between our companies. .

Industrial Loss

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 08-04-2013



In these relations between subjectivity and social processes do not exchanges or inferences are mechanical, not simple; the law of the market operates as fundamental, regulatory institution of exchanges between human beings, the exclusionary competitiveness is installed as high social value. The most exalted individualism and the significance of the other as a rival to exclude or destroy are ideal. With all of this produces a movement of social dispersion, alteration processes identifies torios and a fracture of solidarity ties, which form the basis of the subject. An Adaptive Path is you are trying to a suitable response from labour and social performance. But this adaptation, rather than one on adaptation involves the construction of a self that perhaps does not have a true identity. Today in the institution’s work not only labor responsibility is assumed, but that this extends to the corporate responsibility of satisfaction and customer retention and market competitiveness, becoming, in fact, each worker in a control agent with the ensuing psychic poverty, by the deterioration of symbolization and the fear of job loss. In the Industrial era was valued work as an employment and a strong personal commitment to the realization of labor activity that gave rise to a psychological profile of passion for savings, compulsive tendency towards compulsive sense of duty and work.

Participation in the world of work today is fundamentally single and already not mediated by collective categories that marked the industrialized societies, such as profession or social class. Characteristics of post-industrial capitalism are basically linked to new technologies of production and services that restricted labor and the loss of centrality of work is that refers to its instrumental assessment as a means for survival. He wondered if there is something that replace work as a central assessment regarding individual identity in the new society. Pick up a fragment of the work of Manuel Castell era the information that I was reality: the promise of the information age is the release of a productive capacity unprecedented by the power of the mind.

South Africa

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 02-04-2013



With that caveat, I will say that, apart from the mountain of Montserrat (NE of Spain), secondary chakras of land are located in the following mountains: the Fuji (Tokio-japon); the Denali (Alaska); the Batur (Bali-Indonesia; Table (city of the Cape-South Africa); and Olympus (Greece). Each has its own peculiarity and does not rule out that they had even well functions, such as is the case with the human body chakras. Educate yourself with thoughts from Joseph Stiglitz. Now, all of them Montserrat is without a doubt the spiritual that is manifested visually clearly (Sinai see it very negative), by which all the other sacred mountains, including the very famous Mount Shasta (USA), Huan-Sand, or Tai-San (both in East China), can not you be compared even remotely with the mountain of Montserrat in Catalonia. The mountains are a good reference, because always helped most sensitive to go not after what is interesting, but after the really important (indicating with clarity). These scenarios we Captivate primarily because they are able to talk to the sky face to face. The highest positive ideas are only reached in silence,- as this friend face wants us to teach. These ideas are in the unchangeable Center of infinitely many circles where we are moving. After discovering it, our conversation can be siutable.

I discovered this new and amazing geological phenomenon for decades, after contribute the photo of a small scale model (1 m) of Montserrat, made by experts who in 1919, which reproduced several times. My attention was not stopped at that finding. Auto-edite a poster dated 8.8.88, (day in which Catalonia celebrated its first millennium of existence as a nation). The presentation of this geological face I wrote already before getting the face of the fotosatelite (edited by empresB.E.I.C.I.