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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Building Physics – Theory And Practice Under A Hat Brought

Training in the Haus der Technik – practical Seminar In building many construction mistakes, which could be avoided by understanding, building physical understanding regarding the heat, humidity, noise and fire protection. Security for the use of proper construction with well-executed connection...

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The Reality

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 29-08-2013



Generally, the root cause of these problems if it finds in the related institucional aspects with the management of the hdricos resources and the urban environment. This process occurs, mainly, because the cities had not developed institucional and economic capacity to manage the problem, whereas States and Union meet distant of the reality of the problem, what it makes it difficult to implement adequate a managemental solution (Tucci, 2001). In this in case that, the damages for society are significant and the legacy for the future generations associate to the lack of investment in the solution of these problems could be the return the unsatisfactory social pointers of the last decades. This work has as objective to point out the current situation of the public system of water distribution in Brazil. WATER DISTRIBUTION TREATED IN BRAZIL IN CURRENT DAYS Brazil presents an enormous diverse water potential candy for use, since the domestic consumption until the use in agriculture, however, this wealth of natural resources is being affected in some regions of the country. The processes of urbanization, industrialization and agricultural production have not taken in account the capacity of support of ecosystems (Rebouas, 1997 apud Brazil 2006). The majority of the rivers that cross the Brazilian cities is spoiled, being this considered the biggest Brazilian ambient problem. This deterioration occurs because the majority of the Brazilian cities does not possess collection and treatment of domestic sewers, playing in natura the sewer in the rivers. When net exists, does not have station of treatment of sewers, what it comes to still more aggravate the conditions of the rivers, therefore concentrates the load in a section. In some situations, the station is constructed, but the net does not collect the volume projected because a great number of clandestine linkings of sewer in the pluvial system exists, that of separate sewer passes the compound (Tucci, 2001).


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-08-2013



As result it is observed that the bases to develop the contents are well precarious, therefore takes advantage the dimension technique of the development of the ability in itself, not of this as instrument to develop the contents. This constatao can be made in didactic books and the proposals of planning of the activities. more still, is evidenced that it does not have concern with the basic abilities to locate, to guide, to compare, to interpret, capacities important analyzes to make it geographic. It is also perceived that it does not have consideration with the geographic learning, therefore as well as are not worked the abilities that would support the ability to learn to analyze the space and to extend the geographic knowledge the specific contents of pertaining to school Geography are not also boarded. Academics of the licenciatura in Geography when observing in the schools, the work that is carried through in the initial series, evidence that he does not have consideration eats geographic learning, that is not boarded the contents and nor worked the abilities necessary to learn geography. As the teaching formation for the professor of the series initials more are centered in the pedagogical quarrel and didactic, it would be to believe that this dimension would be the fort of the professors who act there.

From the carried through comments the constatao is of that in pertaining to school documents, the pedagogical plans and the speech everything presents as construtivista and with the incentive the pupil to think and that the knowledge is constructed in the interrelao professor and pupil, but in the reality, is not this what it happens. The lessons are extremely theoreticians, want to say expositivas and with the pupil making research. These are made with one determined subject, that the pupil must look for to learn, but that in he practises means to make copy of books and in some cases, each time more frequent in the Internet.

Motoring Seguros

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 04-08-2013



Inescrupulosas people exist who abuse the insurers, causing traffic accidents with the unique purpose of receiving the policy of the insurance and in this way to obtain easy money, this happens most of in the world, but places exist where this level to call it somehow tolerable exceeds and is there when the insurance agencies are seen in the necessity to raise the costs by insurance premiums, or as in the case of Florida where is considering the idea to implant of obligatory form the fault programs, that is to say that the culprit of the accident is not covered by the insurance. Many insurance agencies of cars necessity to explore its legal options to help to fight the cases of fraud. For example, with medical injuries like latigazo cervical, the insurance agencies have their own doctors to be able to make a medical examination to the person who makes the reclamation. Another possibility contemplated within the measures of precaution against these types of frauds is that the people who demand the cover of the insurance would have to be interrogated approaches of his traffic accidents under oath, in such a way that more ahead this is discovered that the person has committed fraud, could be accused of perjury. Although also it is the fact that many insurance agencies of automobiles do not continue with the investigation of possible cases of fraud, since they prefer to pay the money by the reclamation that to spend thousands of dollars in legal honoraria. It is by that a feasible option would be the one to use the arbitration and to make investigations more thorough, thinks that great advances in the fight would be obtained against which they comment fraud of automobile insurance. The amount of cases of fraud continues increasing, the costs by policy also and finally, the people refuse to be insured, is government responsibility to provide safe cheap for the population, thus are due to take the sufficient measures to be able to correct this, arriving agreements with the insuring companies and always guarding by the well-being of the population. Original author and source of the article.