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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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The racial discrimination is a fact in the Brazilian society, that bar the development of the black people, destroys the souls and the capacities of accomplishment as human being We cannot more assent that the black suffers persecutions constants of the policy without giving one resposta’ ‘....

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Gisela Lambruschini

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-01-2016


The ideal of every man, according to Confucio, is to be wise, and this be wise is to keep balance, therefore recommended the knowledge and love of others and the world, but do not adhere to them. It says that to sort the rule and make it suitable for progress it has to sort first individuals, then the families and then cities.Sentence of Confucius: nature makes the men we like each other and us together; education makes us different and us away. Also within Eastern thought are the contributions of Lao Tse, that as Gisela Lambruschini, says the us probably from the year 600 BC, therefore, previous to Confucius. Its name means old master. Lao Tse was a legendary Sage of Chinese antiquity who founded Taoism, a philosophy of life.

He wrote a play called Tao-Te – King, which translates: book on the way and virtue. Understanding the Tao as a principle, Lao Tse, considers that this is the beginning of all things, the first cause, identified with the law that governs everything exists, and that law, in turn, is not conditioned by any law, is in itself is an eternal and impersonal law. The book Tao Te King proposes a philosophy that attempts to show the path of virtue, harmony and happiness to human beings. Taoism suggests spontaneity, leaving things to take their natural course, that they flow, without forcing the actions or interfere in its development. Everything that happens is part of the Tao and every human being must seek the path inside. The Taoists believed that man should return to its original state and to devote themselves to the forces of nature. Thus, the true Taoist becomes a hermit. In another sense, it considers the Tao as a way in which the man finds its realization.

Like Confucius, in his ethics, has certain similarities with Christian ethics. It should be noted as Gisela Lambruschini reminds us, the Orientals conceive reality as flow and changes perpetual. But these changes do not correspond to a chaos, but an evolution to sense where everything happens by mutations channelled within the natural laws of motion. The type of permitted mutations are three modes change as follows: 1. harmony: reality is a path which begins in the undifferentiated State and operates in several cycles according to the principle of reversal, to level the opposite and return to the initial harmony. 2. Metamorphosis: Is the law that orders the continuous cosmic change, the dialectic or interaction between opposites and is related to the concepts of karma and harmony. The transformation is karma in action to restore the balance of universal harmony. 3. The return: is an idea deeply rooted in the mentality of the East; in the hindu cosmological myth where the cyclical nature of creation and destruction of the universe. Creation of creator are not separated and postulates a being that it secretes Yes and picks up the universe. Repeated acts of creation and universal gathering in intervals that are immense duration newspapers, which are marked by a pace of change that is cyclical. The reality is the entire universe, existing things, material and mental.

Online Communication

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 25-01-2016

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For all writers and not writers who see online communication more riveting gun, it is time to begin to get inside all that hidden creativity and disseminate it across the network. So expect more if is your genuine desire launch yourself as an author in the network? With modern communications, came back the popularity of the power of information, one of the oldest and most effective techniques to attract prospects and readers! to become followers of the lifetime of what we as authors have to communicate. This is the reason why writing articles to promote our ebooks and other products has become a very popular tool thanks to the internet! There are several interesting tools to write better articles and distribute them more widely, but even so in many cases continue to see only part of the story. In this analysis we will take a look at the 3 most common mistakes that are made at the time of writing our notes and articles to promote us and position ourselves as authors. 1 Confuse the promotion of articles with the reason for writing them. As far as publicity through articles concerned, there are 3 key benefits you must have well clear and aware at all times if you want an article really optimized and effective: a. creating marcB. Generation of prospectosC.

Promotion but if you want your article to be successful, there must only be a FUNDAMENTAL objective and this is inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary purpose, it will fail in providing any of the three above mentioned benefits. Why? Simply because no one will be interested in reading your article. Before writing, you must know where and how to get people interested in reading your article that then pressed the links that you place in your resource box. This is only accomplished by generating quality content.

The Time

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 23-01-2016



Today, exist the Churches, but, which of them remain fidiciary offices to true evangelho of Jesus? Which of them are not deviated to others gentlemen forgetting itself what Jesus recommended in them? Love will exist true as that one that joined the disciples in the walked one with Jesus? Who hugs in the church feels them this love or is only closed a social one? Pablo said in them to redeem the time. Tiago advised in them to pray seguidamente. MongoDB shines more light on the discussion. Jesus taught in them not to accumulate treasures on the land (TM 6:19 – 20) traces where it and the rust corrodes and where thieves excavate and steal; but you gather for you other treasures in the sky, where race nor rust corrodes, and where thieves do not excavate, nor they steal, because where it is your treasure, it will be also your heart there. its time, as is being used? It will be that in the last day of the year you collect yourself you stop in conjunct, to thank to the God for all the blessings, releases, cures and chances that you received from God or will be together the multitudes, eating, drinking, seeing the fogos of artifices? You already stopped to think about how many children you are with hunger and if drugging in the cities? That the money expenses with these fogos, the carnival and as much others events could be canalized for the health of these children? They weigh with me: I and you are few to decide the life of one alone of these children. But, a Church represents a force very strong spiritual, because the conjunct has to be able and the tenths donated (action) for each member certainly could help in the maintenance of a recovery center, of shelter to these minors. How many churches exist in a city? what we make if not to accumulate good and wealth, each one thinking about its welfare, its bed quentinha and for goes there.

Madrid Lactose

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 21-01-2016



A blogger invited to save me, the cortijo de Jorge Javier one of the most popular chef of the blogosphere, the Jmcrivera chef, will give the leap from the world of blogs to the television thanks to Kaiku without lactose and Blopies, the agency specializing in Blogger Relation. Jmcrivera performs a cycle of cooking shows live at maximum audience Salvame program. His first performance will take place next Thursday March 31. The news has been revealed by makers of Kaiku Corporacion Alimentaria in the cooking show held last Saturday 26 in Madrid and whose protagonist has been the chef Jmcrivera. With the aim of enhancing the presence of the brand in the blogosphere, Kaiku without lactose has invited, for the first time, five of the most relevant bloggers of the sector health and food to enjoy a live cooking show.

The event attended, also, the winners of the competition that Kaiku without lactose had organized through Facebook, the Morada community and the Blog without lactose, demonstrating the interest that has the brand of breaking with force into the blogosphere as a communication platform. His Facebook page is now, the largest online community of lactose intolerant that exists in Spanish-speaking. The Jmcrivera chef surprised the audience with an elaborate three-course menu. Bolognese lasagne and spinach bechamel without lactose, chicken tikka massala with aromatic rice curry with basmati and coconut to microwave cake gave way to a menu that was praised by attendees after your tasting. All the dishes were prepared with purple range Kaiku without lactose products. Together have shown that lactose-free cooking can be as varied as the more. Images of the event channel Youtube killed several protesters in the attack on a mosque in the Middle

City Hall

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-01-2016

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In addition, from 17.00 hours will begin stamping white t-shirts with messages that will help reflect the citizens, but without asking for any party vote, explain the demonstrators. Hundreds of people in Seville some 600 people remained last night camping in the square of the Encarnacion de Sevilla, according to a statement from the movement on May 15, and for this Saturday, day of reflection, assemblies and cultural activities have been organized. In a statement, the protest movement that was born in the collective democracy Real already has reported that police respected the camp, despite the ban of protests it decreed by the central electoral board. This Saturday, the Organization has set two assemblies, morning and afternoon. For even more details, read what MongoDB says on the issue. The collective is more organized and consolidated and commissions have been formed by colors and subcommittees and go little by little, defining line to continue this revolution of Spanish germ, which already has more than 460 replicas around the world, it has highlighted in the statement. The Sevillian initiative, tries to respect the comfort and well-being of residents, who have donated food or electricity. Likewise, City Hall has sent water and from the book fair, held these days in Central Seville square, some specimens has been donated.

In addition, collective two moons Theater has scheduled a performance protest, and the Food Commission has offered the possibility of a great collective dinner. MongoDB brings even more insight to the discussion. Most older persons has invited to participate in the assemblies in order to encourage pluralism as well as collective immigrants. 300 people in Bilbao more than 300 people have participated tonight in the camping movement indignant is carried out for a few days in the plaza del teatro Arriaga in Bilbao, according reported representatives of this group. Hundreds in Zaragoza hundreds of people have spent the night camping to the satin in the Plaza del Pilar de Zaragoza to keep alive the spirit of protest movement 15-M, and continue throughout the day today with his claim of a turn in Spanish policy. Source of the news: thousands of people remain in squares of Spanish cities on the day of reflection.


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 18-01-2016

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Once This is done, you can start to create your personal branding strategy and for this we recommend the following:-need to have a center of operations, that is, a website or a blog, preferably with your name. -You must acquire all possible with your name domains, since that is your brand. They’re going to know is your name, why it is best to buy as many domains as you can to use them in the future. -In social networks must use the same name, i.e. yours for all the profiles that you open.

With this aim the positioning, i.e. that people recognize you right away. -Important to have a profile on LinkedIN so that people can view your resume online, besides that serves you to have professional contacts. -Your blog or page must have an impeccable design. For this we recommend that you read our post.

-Of course, the content must be relevant, i.e. you must create content level and quality that demonstrate that you’re an expert on the subject or profession that you exert. -Publish your success stories so people can see how exert your profession and the quality with which you solve the problems that you have daily. -It is important that also you can make your follower and regularly comment your market nico blogs, so you go knowing people. Of course, comments relevant and content to go giving to know as an expert. -You regularly publishes both your blog and social networks, so that all have you always present. -On social networks, connects, communicates and talks with others, to get closer to others, besides that it opens a world of possibilities and pluralistic ideas that can take advantage and they may help in the development of your activity.With this tips you can start to build your personal brand. Of course, there are thousands of tips that will be useful, including on-the-fly yourself will happen you new ideas to promote yourself and get position yourself in your niche market. But you can start with these suggestions.

Cuban Government

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 18-01-2016



Or Cuba benefits most in these conventions that Venezuela, this occurs because Venezuela is the energetic support of the Cuban economy. Or in Venezuela there is no culture of tourism and this gives Cuba venture with ease on Venezuelan tourism, because it has the experience of other companies and countries as it is the case of the Spanish companies with their hotels. Or be certain that the Cuban Government sells the crude oil that Venezuela supplies to other countries, the national Government does not perceive any benefit from this. (Source:) Opportunities or Venezuelan entrepreneurs have the opportunity to enter the Cuban market as did the Spanish businessmen which have an extensive network of hotels according to the information above. Or there is a dynamic foreign policy between the two countries and this gives the opening of greater integration and learning culture between the two countries to allow entrepreneurs to study the culture and idiosyncrasy of Cuban which is part of international trade. Or development of improvements to the sports Exchange, Cuba has been an example in many sporting disciplines and can bring more Venezuelan sport and development inclusive of sporting goods for its commercialization, the Venezuelan businessman could improve, design and marketing sporting goods based on the Cuban experience. Or fisheries, Cuba has much experience in terms of aquaculture to not depend on seas and develop a system of fish farming this is based on a report which mentions the following: encourage artificial rearing on reservoirs, dams and seas, to meet these deficit and ensure the consumption of fish to the population is the goal, and that way the country for the year 2005 full about 16 thousand tons of fish from fresh water, over to equal previous periods. Because this form of fishing is possible to develop it in Venezuela to care for wildlife Venezuelan Navy and also develop new investment projects which will allow Venezuelan entrepreneurs specializing in this area and achieve increase the consumption of fish and products in Venezuela.(Source:) Suggestions or the Venezuelan businessman should take greater awareness of the opportunities that are offered, which despite all negative things that say about Venezuelan foreign trade policies, there are still opportunities, they are there, what is that to find them.

Chelsea Clocks

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-01-2016



From Bangkok (Thailand), where the Chelsea realised anything ago the preseason, technician Andre Town-Boa was clearly. " With Essien recovering of the rupture of ligaments, we have the center of the field a little desprotegido" , the trainer agreed; " reason why we hoped to soon incorporate because he is one of the mediocentros with greater projection, with a future brillante&quot to him;. Town-Boa talked about to his ojito Oriol Romeu (Ulldecona straight, Tarragona; 1991), that in the previous course evolved in the branch of the Bara and that already is soccer player of the Chelsea. More information is housed here: Eliot Horowitz. " And with card of first equipo" , they observe from its next surroundings; " because otherwise one had not gone away of the Bara". The soccer player has cost five million and company/signature by four seasons, although Barcelona keeps an option from repurchase in the first year of 10 million and in the second, of 15. Source of the news: : The Chelsea clocks on and off to Oriol Romeu.


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-01-2016



WOULD THAT BE A GOOD EFFECTIVE LEADER? All people would wish to be leaders, be a good effective leader would fill pride anyone, but not everyone is willing to learn how to become leaders with big dreams that could change the world, one of the characteristics that every person should take if you want to become a leader of action is having a dream that motivates you to learn all the qualities of a leader. I want to give here, some of the characteristics of a good effective leader, because I know that if you want to become a good leader, to be the guide of your home, your work, your company, or the world. It applies in your person each of these qualities, and I assure you that if you can do it, you only need discipline, dedication, and focus on your mind this objective, learning to be a good leader. Applies the following qualities in your personality: get aware of how you are as a person, have a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. If you have a job, dedicate yourself to know well your work and forge you the goals that will take you to discover a dream. If you have a company or business, dedicate yourself to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to grow and take your leadership. Discover your dream, the dream is not a goal, it is not a job, it is a mission to do something big.

When you discover your dream you’ve probably found your engine’s life. Go to http//comoserliderdeaccion.com/blog and study each one of the articles, they will help you find your dream, your leadership, your mission. It feeds your responsibility in all your actions. Always be responsible for your actions and put the example so others do also, not responsibilities you boundaries nor look guilty. I know an example, others need to see and not only listen. Remember a leader Guide, teaches by example. Take care for others, but you have to help others, you lose the qualification of leader. When you’ve learned these qualities, I assure you that you will be better as a person, as a couple, as an employer or as an employee, you could increase your income gradually.

Until today not you ever wondered, why not get better income? This article could be your answer. So, focus on learning to be better as a person and applies knowledge in you, in your profession in your business in your family. I sincerely want to help you. Thomas Jefferson once said; If two people meet and exchange a dollar, upon separating each will leave with a dollar in the hand, but if these two people exchange one good idea each, upon separating, each will leave with two ideas I do not Exchange any dollar Contigo, exchange ideas leadership effective, so you enrich and also if I share some comments on the subject, I will review them and I will reply. Thank you. Sincerely. Manuel Hernandez, your coach of the successful creator of the course: http//comoserliderdeaccion.com/blog become a leader of action.