Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-03-2016
Quinacrine and kutizon the flu completely ineffective. Patients in need of flu-sided symptomatic treatment and care. tampons (in infants), the appointment on the testimony of headache tablets, phenacetin, aspirin, expectorants, codeine, cardiotonic (caffeine kordiamina, camphor), an infusion of glucose, the use of hypnotics, oxygen. When complications from influenza pneumonia prescribe penicillin (at least 1 million – 1.5 million units per day), streptomycin (1 g intramuscularly, daily), oxygen therapy, cardiovascular drugs. When complications from the central nervous system prescribed bed rest, glucose and vitamin therapy, antibiotics. In the cases occurring with a lesion of the peripheral nervous system, additional methods are used physiotherapy. Tony Bartel follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Prevention.
Activities in focus mostly limited to the isolation and care of influenza patients at home during the febrile period and the first 2 days of convalescence. Decontamination of you sick-divisions of the upper respiratory tract produced by boiled dishes and laundry, dry cleaning 0.2% solution of bleach or 0.5% of the clarified solution of bleach and frequent (3-4 times a day) of ventilation space. Qualified personnel must wear a 4-ply gauze masks. Sick with severe and complicated forms of influenza, with concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system and those who live in dormitories to be hospitalized, the period of epidemic rise of influenza commonly recommended for ultra-violet radiation (lamps LUVs or LUVs-15-30) facilities, cancellation of visits to hospitals, quarantine measures in institutions. Common flu is reduced to improve the working and living conditions (Removal of dust, drafts, contrasting temperatures), personal hygiene, tempering the body, the preventive measures in schools, colleges, dining, entertainment facilities, hospitals, care institutions. Specific prophylaxis of influenza is conducted live influenza vaccine. An important condition for the effectiveness of a vaccination coverage of at least 80% of staff, correct application. Vaccination is carried out among the organized plants
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 26-03-2016
Management and business process optimization in the Midmarket Linge man steel wholesale steel GmbH marketed rolled steel and flat products in Handelsguten as well as tubes and editing documents. With these grades – and size diversity, the company is a much sought-after problem solver. See Tony Bartel for more details and insights. About 12,500 m m storage area stocked the company on average 10,000 tons of material in the product ranges rolled steel, sheets, tubes, bright steel, carbon steel and stainless steel. A high-bay warehouse system allows with 1,642 storage compartment-cassettes with a total 5419 tons total capacity in 2-layer quickly and efficiently to all customer requests and Lieferbereitschaften to enter. Linge man steel wholesale sees thus able to deliver large and exceptional specifications fully and on time from the list. Millions of tube and pipe fittings of highest quality and dimensional accuracy are processed annually in the tube-Anarbeitungs-Center. A Trumpf tube laser “TruLaser Tube 5000” completes the range of services to work.
Linge man Steel wholesale supplies tubes and on processing parts “just in time” nationwide and in the European neighbouring countries. Linge man has contracted with the company-wide introduction of the DMS and archive solution of dg hyparchive bpi solutions. Decisive for the decision, the deep level of integration of dg hyparchive KI/steel steel trade solution based on the ERP solution was Semiramis and the simple connection of additional systems of document management and archiving solution. The company is already working with E-mail archiving for MS Exchange-dg mail. Now the introduced solution is equipped with the next component: the enterprise-wide archiving for transaction-based storage and revision-proof storage with dg hyparchive. The full integration of dg hyparchive in KI / steel archive solution allows convenient management and archiving of the homemade steel testimonies, order-related data directly from the ERP system in the archive. The industry solution of KI system mates covers in conjunction with dg hyparchive the requirements in the steel trade completely off.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 25-03-2016
Anyone without your own products can make money with affiliate programs. Earn money on the Internet. goes without much equity. Today I want to show you, how you make money on the Internet must use even without much capital. One of the probably most widely popular way in the Internet money making affiliate programs are called also affiliate.
I will continue to use the word affiliate in my article, I think you know that now these are affiliate programs. What are such affiliate programs now? This can be explained quite simply. Affiliate companies can login, who distribute your products or market… The advantage for those companies that sell your products through an affiliate is already enormous. When you consider that programmes so there affiliate programs with 100,000 and more members, are each grind out, the large potential for the companies behind what you have now but that? That I will try now you to clarify. Who goes into’s Internet business has to Start is always a problem and that “I have no product I can sell,” and right now, get the affiliate programs for you in the game.
Login in as an affiliate, here there are a lot of very good. Zanox, Superclix, or also affilinet include probably the largest in the German-speaking region. Yet a partner would be ClickBank if want to be active internationally. It is important to know the registration is always free of charge. So here caution, if you find a partner, of a fee would have for the registration. Could be not quite seios want I but now here also do not judge. After you signed up, hundreds of companies with which you can earn money is often available. Sometimes you don’t even need a website, because you will receive a link, you need only apply to earn money. Oh yeah, there was something? just money.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-03-2016
Customers benefit from the complementary offer of products and service of both companies in WALLDORF and TGERWILEN (Switzerland), July 15, 2011 the SAP AG (SAP)”and the SAF simulation, analysis and forecasting AG (SAF”) plan the business of the SAF with the Swiss subsidiary of SAP, SAP (Switzerland) AG (SAP Switzerland”), to put together. For this purpose, the SAF in connection with a merger should be merged with the SAP Switzerland. The external shareholders of SAF should receive a reasonable compensation in cash in connection with the merger. The resolution of the SAF by entry of the merger in the commercial register will be used to set the trading of the shares of the SAF on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The merger is to be decided upon completion of the necessary preparatory measures at an extraordinary general meeting later this year. Layoffs are not provided in both companies. It is planned to receive the currently existing SAF locations as a competence centre for retail, forecasting and replenishment. SAF developed as a technology leader innovative software systems for a highly efficient IT-controlled goods supply management in trade and industry.
Many companies optimize their holdings with automatic forecasting and ordering systems of SAF, lower storage costs, and increase sales and customer satisfaction. SAF and SAP work together successfully since 2002 in a strategic OEM Partnership on the product and the sales page. About the main product of the SAF as part of the software offer of the SAP solution distributed forecasting & replenishment. In the wake of this successful partnership, SAP had acquired the majority of shares of the SAF in the summer of 2009 and currently holds a stake of over 94 percent. Technologies and solutions can be jointly developed and offered as part of SAP solutions for trade, through the merger of SAF and SAP Switzerland. We bring together the innovative strength of a lean little company with the potential for a global group in an optimal manner.