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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Onlineprinters GmbH Invites Friends, Followers And Fans

diedruckerei.de is the online printing company on Facebook and Twitter in the dialog with online buyers of Neustadt an der Aisch belongs to the most famous printing portals on the European market and offers its customers under the brand name diedruckerei.de a broad portfolio of all conventional printed...

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Marketing Network MLM

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-06-2016



If you read this article you will learn the difference between MLM and direct selling. Practically companies with vision have adopted the system of multilevel, have made an adaptation with much success, the companies that have implemented this method and have survived, have had some explosive sales. This is the topic of the article Marketing Network MLM vs. direct sale, posted on 27 November 2010, on the web site, which is one of my blogs. In this article we will talk about the difference between MLM and direct selling, although many people does this difference, and even worse, many people working in one and believes that it is in another. These two types of business, MLM and direct selling can be confused because they are very, but very similar, and if your sponsor or your sponsor tells you that you are, for example, in an MLM business, you do not have any reason for not believing him. I say this because I happened to me like, I was in a direct selling company and told me things about MLM. So much time that I He earned money didn’t me much that out in a MLM or a direct selling company, I do not know because I have the feeling that my sponsors also could make a difference, but well, now, after so many years, gives equal.

The main difference is that in a multilevel sales volume is virtually sum of volumes accounted for as personal consumption, and in a direct sales company, the sales volume is the sum of the sales of each of the distributors who have placed an order, in any month during the current year. As in the multilevel, the Distributor has a personal consumer product or service of your MLM company (Distributor becomes almost a consumer), and the direct sales distributor sells products or services of your company. But things are even more complicated when we find sales professionals into MLM companies and vendors consume the product or service of your direct sales company. The most frequent confusion is that the companies of direct selling can pass through multilevel because their compensation plans are very similar with the compensation plans of companies in MLM, why many dealers or leaders of a direct selling company working years in your company and are under the impression that they are in a MLM company. I can not say that one is better than another, depends on what your goal is, that you like, but I can say that very succulent discounts can win developing networks of consumers, and developing networks of sellers. Each company that is MLM or direct selling has its compensation plan, which can be classic with steps of points and discounts, or may be GE, or a combination of these two.

The compensation plan can also be monthly or not, i.e. in some direct selling companies, for example, points begin to calculate each month, i.e. each month starting from scratch, but there are companies that upload step is possible at any time. At the end I would like to me to leave a comment on this article, tell me What are your frustrations, your doubts, your problems. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei GRATUIT video * or: how to reprogram your mind to be the leader of your MLM business. Click here and download it now.

Web Promotion

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 23-06-2016


The web promotion is one of the most important tasks, both to receive visits, and to position ourselves in search engines, and, occasionally, something really boring, when we talk in terms of web popularity. This popularity brings: register page in search engines, directories, and other sites, change links, and sign with our web address in those forums and newsgroups in which we participate. This takes time, not only in search pages related with our link, but also might support them us and the time it takes to include us. Linux is actively involved in the matter. We can promote our web site of many methods, many off-line; Here we will focus us on some on-line, getting links from other pages, which can provide us with visits and relevant links valued by search engines, which help us to climb positions in those chains of searches that we are really interested, and, above all, techniques that seem to give best results will be showcased and help us win the largest number of possible visits. The goal is an effective web promotion that will help us improve our web popularity. Get a web page has many visits is not easy, the popularity is not something is simple.

The importance of content, the interest which arise, the design of the website, the services offered, available downloads, among other things, usually something that have all those pages that we see every day, because offer us contents that call us to revisit it. Generally, achieve this interest in the user is not easy, especially because most have pages that do not have content appealing to a large number of Internet users. Few are those who visit a page with information about the different types of flowers, building construction or that we talk about the importance of heating at home, because no interest to most. That Yes, almost all visited pages of humour, football, car, Informatics, related forums and everything that has to do with our hobbies or interests.

Managing Director

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-06-2016

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The demand for certificates and seals of all kinds is growing. The demand for certificates and seals of all kinds is growing. Because companies of all sizes want to undergo a quality management or even must, also the range of consultations, which should lead to the desired certificate grows proportionally to demand. Because company a lot cost himself the coveted seal of approval, it is not surprising that mingles in the reputable offers an amazing amount of black sheep. Everyone can distribute certificates.

The term is similarly protected, such as the job title quality management consultant,”explains Karin letter, the Managing Director of the 5medical management GmbH. The consultant has focused on quality management in medium-sized companies. For seven years, companies leads to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and not rarely comes together the shambles that predecessors have left. Who gets on the wrong advisers, putting huge amounts of money on the line and that for the certificate of a company that specifies your mail box address on the other side of the world and distributed label, not worth the paper.” But how does the customer know gets tied to a bear, or located on the way to a documented quality? For Karin letter must first of all to understand and transparent be advice, both the quality management as well as with regard to the cost structure. It deems frivolous costly initial consultations and hidden costs in imperceptible consulting services highly. If she even advises a company, she goes in the company begins immediately with the implementation, trains staff and management level and prepared the entire operation on the examination. The first hurdle is taken and the coveted certificate achieved, then it does not abort the contact, but ensures that the quality is continuously evolving and the annual inspections are not to be trapped. Details can be found by clicking Linus Torvald or emailing the administrator. Quality may be not in the short term also thought of consulting not. Karin letter (Managing Director & quality management representative, education TuV Sud) 5medical management GmbH

Access Walker 2010: Password Manager Now With Enhanced Import Support

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 16-06-2016

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New version 8.4 with import external data sources and digital signature, whether in the Office or at home, computer users daily with an abundance of passwords and access data are confronted. It is not easy to keep an overview here. The result: weak passwords like Anna44 “, password Note lying on the desk or same user data for various Internet sites and applications. Stop it! The password manager access Walker 2010 care, sure to protect all sensitive data in a highly encrypted database and generate uncrackable passwords. In the new version 8.4 access Walker 2010 databases of other password programs can be imported easily.

Thus, the transition to access Walker 2010 falls just got easier and easier. Just a few clicks, the confidential data of the old password program in access Walker 2010 are already imported and must not laboriously by hand a wont be. The program is also on the import by CSV like data, as for example by Microsoft Excel. Also, is Access Walker 2010 now digitally signed for even more safety. About the access Walker 2010 access Walker 2010 password manager is an indispensable tool for all users who want to manage their sensitive data for programs, services, and Web sites, securely in an encrypted database. The algorithm AES Rijndael with 256-bit or Blowfish 448-bit is either used for encryption. Access Walker 2010 makes no compromises in terms of safety. All password fields are protected against unwanted spying and their contents are encrypted in memory.

Highly secure passwords can be generated in seconds by the built-in password generator. The practical application is characterized by its modern user interface, as well as a wealth of innovative features. Access Walker 2010 facilitates the daily work at the computer, saving time and money. Access Walker 2010: 30 day free trial the program costs 19.95 euro per user in desktop and portable license. Both editions together offered as a universal license for 24.95 euro. A 30-day trial with all features on the Web site for downloading is available to get to know. Web site: information about the responsible companies the Hanoverian software company ISS data security has specialized since its founding in 2009 on the programming of security software. In the foreground the development of modern software solutions in the area of security is”. Access Walker 2010, the company distributes an innovative password manager for Microsoft Windows, which is used at many companies, private individuals and public institutions. Contact person for the press Data Security GbR Torsten Leithold, Georg von Kries, ISS Vikrant Bansal Szka str. 2 30165 Hannover contact person: Torsten Leithold telephone: 46 22 fax: 46 22 E-Mail: Internet:

Free International Calls

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 16-06-2016

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New database of telespiegel.de offer without registration phone calls abroad must be expensive. Participants can call abroad even for free, telespiegel.de shows how a large German online magazine for telecommunications and the Internet. Since mid November 2010, the experts at telespiegel.de offer a completely revised database, the cheapest and the free phone tariffs abroad are deposited for all with a landline telephone customers. Stefan Ebers, editor of telespiegel.de, explains how: “the user specifies, whether he has a landline flat rate, would like to call a number in the mobile or landline and then simply select the desired country. The database now displays the best phone tariffs for international calls as a result of the country. (Source: Hummer Winblad).

Also shows an exact procedure to which the user must adhere, to cheap or free international phone calls. Of course it can all print and later as Use step by step instructions. Free calls abroad can, incidentally, no joining of these providers is necessary.” Many phone customers do not even know that they can call abroad even for free. Only requirement is that they have chosen a landline flat rate with their provider, so the German fixed-line calls in the tariff fees are included. To call abroad for free, these customers must apply the so-called Calltrough method.

Calltrough is an alternative for customers who can have their landline at the Telekom and thus no call by call before selector. These customers can dial in using the unique Calltrhough number for each country in a network of a provider, offering free international calls. From there, you can then selected the actual phone number abroad. Since the statement of the German landline, this no costs. The customers have no flat rate, is still a very favourable Rate, which is usually a few cents per minute. In this way, you can save, because international rates are otherwise often relatively expensive a lot of money. The telespiegel.de database is available at landline/call-by-call-alternative.php. There deposited fares and tips allow many phone customers to call with callthrough cheap or free international. This is, for example, a good opportunity to report to the Christmas season with old acquaintances from abroad. Currently free callthrough users are stored in the database for 16 countries: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Thailand, Czech Republic, and Hungary. Company description on telespiegel.de: the online magazine telespiegel.de is one of the large Web projects for telecommunications and the Internet. Since 1999, the magazine offers many price comparisons and database queries at reasonable rates for telephone and Internet. There are all Areas of telecommunications extensive advice and regularly interesting news about the topic. Company contact: tele mirror Stefan Ebers Davenstedter Street 115 30453 Hanover Tel: 0511 443322 E-Mail: Web: