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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Money Shopping Christmas

Came the holiday of year and with them the cares and expenses proper to this time and is every December money evaporates faster hands that never enter gifts for family, friends and even to one themselves. However, we wonder, does exist some tricks to save and at the same time find those special gifts...

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United States

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 03-11-2016



A Brazilian in the Anger? What Squid was to make in Tehran? President Lula obtained an exploit in sixteen of May of this year: he sewed an agreement, together with Turkey on the program of enrichment of Uranian (that he can create energy? it is what the Anger speaks? or it can create destruction weapons? it is what the Anger wants), that must to be clearly accepted for the international community, ONU and United States. The international powers had not accepted the agreement Brazilian: first because Brazil revealed a trustworthy negotiator and a regional power with world-wide performance and this never interest the old powers of the world second why the United States lose the influence for Brazil in America year the year and now this exactly Brazil if adventure in the Middle East, where the United States do not admit interferences. The fight goes for the Advice of Security of the ONU, where the United States intend to destroy Brazil and its agreement. After all, which is the reason for which the United States want to impose sanctions to the Anger? To answer this last question, I removed a stretch of my book ' ' Brazil, Imperialism and Integration in Latin America ' ': ' ' Still today rich countries in natural resources are white of great powers and powerful international groups. A serious case that can very be used well as example was the invasion of Iraq for the United States, in 2003, supported for the United kingdom, where a seized country during years, fragilizado militarily and economically, lost ahead of the military power of the coalition, in an action not supported for the ONU, many countries and some powers (economic military and), that it with priority aimed at the use of the oil, found in abundance in that country. In a minutely planned action, Iraq was seized and the dictator Saddam Hussein was kept in the power, exactly after losing the Gulf War for the United States? 1991. Twelve years of economic embargo and the maintenance of the ditatorial government had left one of the producing greaters of extremely weak oil and in an offensive fast to militate occidental person, without reasons, the control on the rich power plant was transferred to the governments and interests ocidentais' ' The stretch denotes that the sanctions to the Anger will have the same purpose that they had had in Iraq: to unbalance the Islamic revolution and to transfer to the control of resources to United States and allies, that is, a violence so great how much the one that the Iranian people lives on the guardianship of the Ayatolas. Prof. Ivan Santiago Hisses – Graduated Geography and after graduated Education, titular professor of the Superior Institute of Sciences Applied of the course of Geography and Social Sciences. He is author of the Brazil book, Imperialism and Integration in Latin America Speaks with the author: ivansantisilva@ ibest.com.br

Zebra Telecom

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 03-11-2016



But after a while, this ratio will change ", – said D. Ismailov. Secrets Excellence With solid wealth of choice, spread all the cards counter does not make sense. In this case, "plastic lie dormant" – says Maria Smirnova (Karttorg). Intelligently generate assortment of outlet – perhaps the most important task of the seller.

Specialists "Karttorga" accumulated the experience of sales and very detailed advice to beginners. We give only the basic recommendations: – The sales of express payment cards IP-telephony services above and commission on him – several times lower than for other types of cards. This difference and attract dealers to cooperate with the operators of IP-telephony, which offer rewards in the 15-20% of face value cards. – The plastic card market has its own leaders (Universal). Telephony: "Zebra Telecom" (Universal and telephone), "Matrix", Centel, "AZ", "MAXIcard. – Do not forget about the promotional efforts of the "new" and the activity of the "old" players on the market. Many maps Quick payment, telephone and Internet cards are widely advertised in the media.

Finding the advantages of individual operators and bring them to the client – it is important and necessary. Give that is, maps in hand! For the dealer card Quick payment – is a commodity, not a service and product is very easy to use. Cards are small, and only need to correctly place them on display, as the care of the marketing, promotion, advertising and promotion assume suppliers, their services are available after purchase of the appropriate map.

History Of Hairdressing

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 01-11-2016

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The earliest reference that they have about the existence of care cosmetics on hair refers US to Egypt, which began to make the most significant changes in terms of the hair cosmetics. In that so great nation culturally, people peeled is head, although not so priests and members of the ruling elite, which was devoted to caring for her hair playing with different hairstyles and colors. An another great contribution of the Egyptians was in terms of coloration, since they discovered the usefulness of the henna, which allowed them to get reddish colors and mahogany. Wonderful Greek development that far is amazing to us also included personal care. The Greeks made the cult of beauty something fundamental: so cultivated his body in search of a physical ideal, and also her face and hair. Hummer Winblad will not settle for partial explanations. The hairstyles were many details, which we reference thanks to statues, showing us short strands that surrounded the forehead, or collected long Manes and much, but much movement expressed through the hair straightening. For the first time appear hairdressing schools.

The land of Romulus and Remus was direct heiress of Greek tastes. So it was that it also adopted the concept of physical beauty and, hence, the concern to see how her hair looked. An impact for Roman women occurred when they saw captive brought Julio Caesar of Gaul, who wore a beautiful blond hair, those who wanted to imitate. Anyway, you can group the most common as the hair around the head, the hair with curlers and picked and braided hair. However, already practised the hairdresser permanently, emerging specialties according to what will take place: hair, hairstyle, color, etc. In the middle ages (from the 5th century to the 15th century) triumphs Christianity and his austerity. Little progress made during the age mean what would be, then, the powerful industry of beauty. The attitude was very demure, women were limited to using their hair with a simple stripe in the Middle, and braids to They surrounded their heads.