Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-05-2017
Price truth and clarity of the price-insensitive often on eBay “In an advertisement for goods price comparison lists a price shipping cost added to the purchase price may be not only mentioned on the own Internet page of the advertiser which can be accessed by clicking on the figure of goods or product name.” This is a guiding principle in a recent decision of the Federal Court (I ZR 140 / 07, July 16, 2009). The BGH refers to the principles of price truth and price clarity in it. Already at 09.11.2009 wrote Prof. Dr. Thomas hearing, Chair of information law and legal informatics in Munster and judge of the OLG Dusseldorf, in the beck-blog a column: “Ebay forcing its sellers to fraud”. The eBay business condition introduced some months ago, that eBay sellers need to send certain goods, such as computer games, free was the subject of the listen column.
An eBay purchase from hearing told the seller still shipping of hearing; Reason: the offer is eBay shipping costs automatically to zero, what the provider can not change, although he would like to calculate you shipping costs; These are called then in the item description and requested by the buyer. Hear is right that this approach of the seller’s cheating. Hear right, has however not that eBay is forcing to commit fraud. No one is forced to sell, even in the face of all other sales and auction facilities, online and offline at eBay. But even if it “must” be because eBay: You can his article even under the condition of “just picking up” to the above (minimum) price offered; in the case you can the interested party to tell also, that a shipment is still possible for an additional fee. And you can increase the initial price directly to the shipping costs. Eventually anyway, is: who is not ready to act, according to the terms and conditions established by eBay may there just don’t offer. However, some defend this clear scam, and still occasionally found a statement in item descriptions to “Free shipping” despite shipping – Express.
Thus the price search at article sorting is n.b. “price + shipping” falsified. Who endorses this shipping scams on eBay, or even operates, is not only immoral, but should also consider what has expressed the BGH price truth and price clarity. And who really wants that price search – results falsified the shipping cost -? The designs of Thomas and Court Prof. Dr. Thomas hearing of the alleged “coercion to commit fraud” give therefore to think – but in terms of the quality of jurisprudence and case-law in Germany. Finally: How do you get in such eBay fraud? As long as such cases not really dissuasive form be punished, operated the fraud probably continue uninhibited. After all, you can contact eBay: on the article page, there is always a link “Report offer”. If many consistently use this option, is perhaps consistently against eBay proceed in this scam. Fr. Rolf Hermann Lingen
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 27-05-2017
SINFO Guarana, SINFO Guafee grain coffee with SINFO Guacao cocoa is offered here – also in organically certified quality. Who regarded the planet Earth from the point of view of humanity, for the fair trade and organic are self-evident. Environmental protection and careful handling of our natural environment is the best prevention for ourselves and for future generations. This is true also in Brazil on the edge of the Amazon, where the biologically certified Guarana is grown and harvested. This nut contains stimulating caffeine, which is bound to tannins and gradually unfolds its stimulating effect in the course of four to six hours after consumption. Since 1994, the fair trade SINFO Guarana in organically certified quality from the development project ONCA is offered. Hans Kolpak operates, and since 2004 the business philosophies of SINFO importer and the initiator of ONCA internalized in order to strengthen the connection of the farmers completely to the customer. Lars Leckie describes an additional similar source.
As a wholesaler, he is intent on retailers to inform about the qualities of SINFO Guarana and just as quickly as the customers to use. Shipped from Mondays to Saturdays by DHL and Deutsche Post. At the start of the company in 2004, he won new customers almost exclusively on ebay. Now, becomes aware of a growing number of interested parties about the search engine on and ordered directly. What does the enjoyment of high-quality, as well as spore-free Guarana so appealing that the crop year after year is sold out? Hans Kolpak: \”in 2003 I met a low-quality, strong sugary Guaranapulver.
Curious due to the completely different effect when compared to coffee-based drinks, I researched. I wanted to sell not any powder, one is spore size or containing ground walnut shells, but proven quality. At that time, there were only two importers for bio quality, of which one has given up in Germany.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2017
The desktop requires not only a ballpoint pen, but also a fine liner or a fountain pen. To combine these gifts, company for customers and employees can be ordered now also writing sets than advertising products. These writing sets is however not simple sets of pins, but high-quality freebies. Continue to learn more with: Linus Torvald. Classic writing sets in separate packaging can be ordered already for less than four euros. They are suitable for good customer conversations, where to gifts the customer for example in the final negotiations. Also very high quality writing sets in a noble look and elegant design can be ordered, an ideal way for special occasions. The pen sets are of course in the appropriate box or in a noble gift case packed and this can be passed without more packaging. Due to the high quality of this writing sets, they are ordered, of course not in large numbers but individually manufactured and delivered.
Whether elegant black, noble metal finish or metallic blue, the advertising schreibsets can be ordered according to the request, so that the set at any time can be related by the recipient the donor company in connection. To increase the advertising effect, engravings can be applied also on writing sets. These engravings can play back including the company name, but also a thank you engraved is very well arrive at the receiver. So earned employee can especially be appreciated, customers with high contracts and continued positive business prospects can be presented hereby.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-05-2017
Customers in a business goods shopping, they want to can also transport. Tony D. Bartel has much experience in this field. While the trip into the city is today often done by car, despite that the goods must be transported by the business in the car. To show the customer a possibility, as the purchased products can be transported, advertising bags are ideal. They are becoming increasingly popular as advertising material, because advertising is carried by the customer through the town, so any passerby can read them. The logo printed on the promotional bag, as well as the image used by the company learn so quickly in the memory of the pedestrian.
And the customer who has received the promotional bag, is pleased about this and find safe again in the business for the next purchase. As bags, there are promotional bags of fabric as well as plastic. The latter are sure cheaper in the acquisition, they disposed of by many customers but at home often directly, since the lifting of these bags is still rare. Tote bag However, are frequently reused, they are dirty, they can be washed even. Fabric bags are a much better investment for companies so that they be used longer.
However, promotional bags can be used not only as a carrier bags. The products in the range of promotional bags are significantly more versatile, because fair bags are used as promotional bags. With them, the customer or even the party can transport its information received by the company, as well as some other advertising products. Also here it also gives the benefit of the advertising effect in addition to the benefit of the transport. The range of promotional bags is but much more versatile. It ranges from Lady’s handbag on sports bags to bags and children’s bags. While each of the above promotional bags for each company is suitable of course, but also a such an exclusive promotional product can be used for exclusive customers. Just the gift of children comes much too short for many companies. Children are often decision makers in families according to a recent study. They not only decide what toys and what candy bought, even when buying from other products, as well as choosing cars and children in today’s modern family should talk to the next holiday. Companies that devote themselves so with gifts to the children and give them, for example, children’s bags, can score so easily. The design of promotional bags is of course reserved for the company itself. In a picture, a logo or a slogan can be printed depending on the request. Some commercial vendors also offer promotional bags with printed motifs, some slogans can be selected. However, individual pockets, that there are anywhere else, are always the better advertising. Ideas for the design is missing, therefore the commitment of advertising professionals is worthwhile.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-05-2017
Polo shirts are a classic T-Shirts. They are comfortable to wear, but they give the vehicle style and elegance. Polo shirts are a classic T-Shirts. They are comfortable to wear, but they give the vehicle style and elegance. Therefore they are attracted to like leisure time as well as during the work.
Polo shirts are worn very much not only of women, but also men and even children. Due to their popularity, Polo shirts have evolved in recent years to a very successful promotional. The reason for the success is of course the possibility to specify, still the product is durable and is worn with appropriate optics like and often elaborate printed matter on the polo shirt. So spread the advertising message, without further intervention. Thus, even the slightly higher when compared to other promotional products acquisition costs are justified. Promotional polo shirts are of course in each any size and color available. So the shirt can optimally to the needs of the company Customize, who would like to purchase in the colours of his company logo the polo shirt of course.
Can the advertising message on promotional polo shirts be placed both on the front and on the back. The advertising message in small letters or as a small logo can be attached on the front of the shirts. So the shirt is like worn also in the Leisure and further spread the message. Alternatively, a larger logo and behaved lettering on the back can be attached. These shirts are suitable primarily for use in the business itself, when the Polo shirts are worn by the staff.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 18-05-2017
Combined sales process for the IT and logistics industry despite good economic prospects see themselves in particular service sectors such as IT and logistics still long lingering sales problems compared to. It is difficult just medium-sized entrepreneurs in the face of hesitant customers and falling margins, to generate growth in times of crisis. Problems the biggest problem is not that remains in operational everyday life usually little time for preparation and the acquisition of new customers in. The problems go deeper, as the current study “management value-based management compass on Steria Mummert consulting in collaboration with the F.A.Z. Institute. So, 45% of the logistics service provider base ratios of the customers don’t even know or can provide information about the development of the business.
With such incomplete information, its market position can be poorly secured and new customers poorly identified. Combined sales process therefore is our new approach a business analysis and segmentation of the industry at the beginning of the consultation,”says “Manfred Kruger, one of the two founders of active new business, we depart on, same industry requirements with unique features, identify and evaluate potential customers within the industry and develop a strategy of Angang.” So that the companies in the defined industry sectors is perceived at all and a sales success is possible, we integrate a communications campaign new Geschaft2010 at the same time”, the other of the two initiators explains Werner geilenkirchen. This, the experts use strategy that especially affordably and accurately can provide more profile, clarity and presence on the tools of the proven P3. So that smaller companies can benefit from this effective approach, the initiators offer a cheap basic package for a price of 3.999; the newly Geschaft2010 includes a positioning strategy specifically tailored to in addition to the industry-friendly processed data. More information at HERZIG Marketing communication GmbH, special agency for IT – and logistics marketing. Since 1994 conceived and realized the Agency individual measures as well as strategic brand and corporate communication for SMEs and sales activities set up group-wide.
Led by Heike Herzig and Werner geilenkirchen the renowned consulting firm offers deep industry knowledge and contacts. So, the Cologne specialists with an own logistics event gain access to markets and decision makers. As an active member of the log-IT Club, HERZIG supports the strengthening and future orientation of logistics location North Rhine-Westphalia. move it, Manfred Kruger is a visionary partner for innovative, reliable and cost-effective management and marketing solutions at the highest level. Editor and contact person: HAMMOUD marketing communication GmbH Heike Herzig Northcliffe ring 61-50670 Cologne FON: 0221 / 95 35 88 – 5 E-mail: Web:
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-05-2017
Quick service translation, renowned foreign language service provider in all languages of the world, its customers supported increasing specialisation on localization in times of globalization and global networking of business relations professional increasingly optimize their Internet presence in the country and abroad. For this purpose the company has assembled a team of qualified professional staff, on the programming languages java, asp, php, xml, and html specializes. While the respective translators work closely with employees, who have had an information technology training. Professional quick service professional translations done the entire spectrum of Web pages – localization, ranging from the professional translation of all content, to the complete localization of Web pages on their respective target markets, a demanding tasks, which goes beyond the mere translation. The home pages of professional customers are the international requirements of the desired quick service translations Customized target market: the entire user interface with their menus, dialog boxes, and buttons and also online help and printed documentation are adapted for use in the target country. The company fully implements adaptation to local requirements both of content, products and procedures, as well as their presentation and documentation. This involves not only translate in the strict sense. Rather, proceed with a high degree of sensitivity with regard to linguistic and cultural situations in the target regions for the marketing.
Factors such as date, time and currency units, used fonts, the adaptation of the entire user interface, the style etc. find this attention All work produced quick service translations by professional diploma translators or qualified specialist translators, who translate only into your native language. You have comprehensive, detailed knowledge of the respective regional, economic, and cultural conditions and sites adapt to the practices of the country. Reputable translation agency with offices in the whole Federal territory. More information: Web pages translations author: Martin Stallion
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-05-2017
Some have asked me why not give face?, others pressed me requesting my identity card or passport and contact phone if I want to publish my articles. While the most ingenious ask me the number of current account to enter me the benefits of advertising that made me coast to latter have you sent to the direction of the parish of my people, will already know the cure what to do with those monies. Hence a server remains an anonymous pseudonym, and delight is sailing on his boat through a few channels that will soon become a sea with canals. I read some protest from some residents of the area, informed me on some performances of some other Ministry and counseling and took new precautions and keep the hidden face is not for nothing! I just protect my food safety, i.e., my job. What isn’t so bad?.
Perhaps, but while counseling commanded a company to gather information and, with the name and signature of the Government of the region, it allows you to paste slips on lampposts, containers and other public goods performances all of them that are expressly forbidden by local regulations and here nothing happens!. For a server is the first notice. Perhaps for this reason, neither surprises me having to remember the times of Nazism, who went from House to House and graficaban doors of Jews unless they could complain. And just this last remembrance comes to me when will I explained that a Ministry has commissioned a company field work! that obliges employees to enter private properties (without the owners permission) and perform painted with a reddish color in them leaving any other signal (graffiti, say young people understood in the matter). But here nothing happens!. Authorities, as for example in this case the regional police, seem unwilling to be aware and does not support allegations that are not owners or with the owners permission to complain on behalf of them, knowing that the majority of the owners are in Germany, Belgium, Holland, France and other countries beyond the Pyrenees. Is there still anyone? that I can ask without malice because I write under pseudonym and anonymously consequences, is that they don’t accept me these notes in printed journals of the region and to the silence of the media, seems that around here nothing happens while in my anonymity I’m still keeping my job and crying out in the desert some other partially uncovered truth.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-05-2017
Were it in 1988 only six vessels, which Honor and points sailed, so has the number of participants increased tenfold and this develops into a remarkable show of former ships of of acquisition of, which are the primary propulsion for sailing and wind. This year, the spectacle begins with the launch in logstor on September 10. The boats participating in eight classes, boats under five gross gross up to the three masters to the 100 GRT are divided. You all are the ports in the following days by Thisted-Struer, Nykobing Mors, fur and Skive. “” Of course, prizes for the fastest boat in each class are distributed on September 14, after the fifth stage, but at the same time not taking seriously all and presented trophies to the ship with the most unlucky points “or the best clutter-free ship” with a wink. And then there are the coveted traveling trophy for a very special experience, a Cup, which every year is particularly challenging the imagination of the participating ships.
The arrival of the fleet in each of the ports past to regularly developed into one lively folk festival for the crews as well as for other interested parties. The nice thing is that everyone can actually spontaneously decide whether he wants one or several days to take part in this unique race. And for interested guests, always a place of Charter will be free on one of the boats. Those who wish to get to know the Limfjord at the best sailing time and its most attractive village, can directly with the participating boats to free berth seats inquire ( Charter). Of course no one can guarantee for Sun and mild winds, but an extraordinary experience with the last Viking of the North, is the participation in the regatta Limfjorden Rundt”always.
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 10-05-2017
Distant land for me was in September 1948, traveling by boat from Beyrout to Marseilles, France from Marseilles aboard the ship Dezirade, a French ship, an unforgettable trip, was on that trip I could appreciate the distant, one-sided land longing and hope to arrive at Buenos Aires, know the images of my mother my brother and nephews, and on the other handbrothers and sisters, friends, my village where I was born and why not love, an adventure that cost me much support, was the longest of my life journey and wish more of my thought. I worked here, I took my home and my family, after eighteen years could return to the distant land where I was born to see my mom, there lived many emotions and joys, also beyond my longing for my distant land by Buenos Aires began the capital of Argentine tango, I was excited when heard in restaurants and excursions the cumparsita, that cumparsita which travels the world, also heard it on an excursion sailing on the Nile in Cairo, the same arose the desire to return to the field of my family to my dear wool city where I missed roots for fifty years. Anyway, beautiful to listen to the music and Arabic singing, savor the Arabic food in Buenos Aires and hear the cumparsita and eat Argentine beef, delicious Apple and drink mate daily in Damascus as well cut the distance between the peoples. And increasing mutual knowledge..