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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Intensive English Courses Compared

The first decision that a new learner of English must take is to do an intensive English course or an intensive course. This article will explain the features and benefits of each to be able to make the best choice for yourself. Intensive English Courses – Intensive Courses Espanol No official...

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Unified Communications

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 27-02-2018

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This causes not only slowing down the progress of the project, it also means that you need to keep on your agenda this and other projects that depend on the respective communication, and any further action of the project again in the subject must imagine into. Increases the likelihood that decreases the quality of the editing and time is little efficiently. Unified Communications offers a tool for real time communication with an Instant Messenger, so that issues can be resolved quickly. Also, presence information provide information about what communication method can be used for effective communication and when a conversation partner may be reached. They are unfolded on their mobile device the full width of the communication for your company often on the road or not always necessarily reliable communication can be reached at the same workplace, often becomes a smaller or larger challenge. According to Gamestop, who has experience with these questions. Unified communications applications offer the possibility of installation on their own laptops, as well as apps for smartphones.

So methods of communication such as instant messaging and video conferencing available one also by traveling all contact data as well as the possibility of more numerous. Communications data of all devices are also automatically on the same level as a result. The interlocutor may only the background noise, noticed that you are currently not in the workplace. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Michael Mauler on most websites. You have a system with natively embedded video conferencing as the significance of the video conference as compared to other methods of communication constantly catching up means of communication of the future. Video conferencing offer important advantages that able to replace no other medium through the Visual Component coupled with audio information. The appearance of a conversation partner allows communication not only natural and be casual, also an image of the conversation partner can give a better impression and Visual information can be included in the conversation. Whether for negotiation, consultation or simply a stimulating discussion, seems to be the video conference the best means of communication.

Unified Communications offers every user the possibility to start video conferencing with a simple push of a button or a video conference to make a phone call. The whole thing is done without device complications or technical uncertainties. Video communication is as simple as a text message. You benefit from the seamless integration of external applications advanced unified communications solutions offer you in addition to the standardization of communication also the possibility of the involvement of other integration functions, that simplify the work life. So your unified communications can access system, for example, on databases containing customer data, so that you all this data directly from a communication record to the Available. The search in external systems to track communications history or even contact data, a thing of the past.

African States

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 20-02-2018

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JOSE BRECHNER the 64 per cent of the Bolivian population lives below the poverty rate. Bolivia, ranked 117 among 177 countries in this sub-paragraph. It remains the poorest nation in South America, but their level of destitution is not comparable with the African States whose sad reality causes millions of deaths from starvation and diseases. One of the differences between the poverty of Bolivia and of Africans, lies in warmer Bolivian climate and its luxuriant geography, allow as a last alternative not to die of hunger and collect fruits or vegetables that grow wild. The riches of nature are everywhere, above and below its floor. The Bolivian problem is lack of exploitation of its resources of skillful, competitive, profitable and honest way.

A very high percentage of misery in a country so rich, is tempting dish for the populist demagoguery and the pockets of bureaucrats of the State. Bolivia with its formidable abundance and sparse population, should be the country with the highest standard of living of America Latin. If it weren’t for their high illiteracy, its contagious corruption, and his proud but unproductive indigenism, could overcome economically to any of its neighbors. The manipulation of the resentment against the winner, is the vile element that leftist populists used to motivate to their bases toward confrontation with the middle classes. The speech and actions of Evo Morales are powered by this irrational hatred against people that the only thing that makes is striving for economic success and progress. There are haraam? There was corruption in the management of the State in the past? Course, as in the third world and as in the indigenous Government, which came to power with stolen funds to the Venezuelan people, more revenues from the illegal production of coca and drug trafficking. Now that Morales has access to the coffers of the nationalized companies, makes with the Exchequer what comes in WINS.

South Africa

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-02-2018



Valley to stand out that in this same decade the Brazilian society was victim of the blow that restored the military dictatorship and that it restrained all the movements and all the popular manifestations. Read more here: Joseph Stiglitz. The black groups of protest had been also restrained. From 1969, the military dictatorship in such a way censured the publication of notice on aboriginals, death squad and engages in guerilla warfare, as any information on black movement and racial discrimination. With the installation of the ditatorial regimen, the government imposed the people what it would have to be studied since the schools of the basic education until the universities. In this context, from the decade of 1970, the MN and the Movement of Mulheres Negras (MMN) they act in more incisive way to try to influence changes in the educational system and had fought to include the history of the black people in the pertaining to school resume.

This performance it culminates, in 1995, with Marcha I buzzed of the Palmares, when 30 a thousand people had been for Brasilia and had delivered to a document to the Presidency of the Republic pleading politics to fight the inaquality. Six years later, during 3 World-wide Conference against occured Racism in Durban, South Africa, of 30 of August the 7 of September of 2001, the Brazilian government presented proposals and assumed the international commitment to implement measured of affirmative actions to fight racism and the inaqualities in Brazil. This position was taken in result of the pressures and claims of the MN and of the MMN, that has decades fights for measures of combat to the racial inaqualities, particularly in the area of the education. In 2002, the teacher Petronilha Beatriz Gonalves and Silva was indicated, for the MN and the MMN, to occupy a place in the National Advice of Educao (CNE). In the same year, it she considered that the CNE if revealed on the question of the education and the ethnic-racial relations.


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-02-2018

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Visited several opticians and general practitioners who prescribed them different medications, but none of them could it cure. This took several days and was desperate. He was visiting a friend who had his problem. Told him to have patience and they set out to watch television. Medium program, the friend said to him: I just remember that I once had a problem like yours in my eye and someone told me of a remedy, but it is ugly, I do not know if you dare to do so. Anyway’m going to say: you have grab a dirty sock and have fun by the eye three times. The student in question, thought it was disgusting, but tried as he was desperate.

Which would surprise the next day when he got up and was completely healthy. He ran where his friend and thanked him for the Council. This saw him, could not endure the laughter and confessed that everything had invented to bother him and that he had never had infection in the eyes. Conclusion: As you think, so will you be. Another example of the power of beliefs.

In Africa there is a tribe that has a perfect judicial system. The innocent always released them and the guilty parties punished them or kill them. Never fail. What is his secret? When they are unable to determine without doubt the innocence or guilt of the accused, they give you to drink a potion which is a poison and told: go to that store. If you’re innocent you will freed the gods and if you’re guilty, the gods let you die. Thought them the innocent I did not believe, but the gods who know everything, know that I am innocent and I will be saved. On the other hand, the guilty thought to them I could trick them, but the gods who know everything, know that I am guilty and leave me to die.

Ursula Kuhn Printis

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-02-2018

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This leads in addition to a new love often to new friendships on – and offline. Factor time and relationship riders and horse owners who, for example, often too little time to maintain their partnership in addition to their expensive hobby. Then there is stress, if you once again took care of the beloved four-legged friends as to the partners”, so Kuhn. According to a survey of riders flirt platform, 95% of the riders and riders therefore want a horse enthusiasts and nature-loving partner. “It is also similar to Gastrosingles.de: the idea of the stock market for singles in culinary professions was born out of the own necessity”, explains founder and chef Thomas Honold in Radolfzell am Bodensee.

I had taken over the family business and was looking for a partner. What, turned in six days of work, often until late at night as difficult”. Together with colleagues, he was a flirting exchange for people from culinary professionals in the network. Now he has almost 3,000 members on his side. Professional services in niche markets the concepts “specialized flirt and dating communities go to show the happy user: actually many members sign out already again with the comment, I found my soul mate”, Kuhn said.

But even if the right partner stall or kitchen smell already shares with one it’s worth often continue to remain faithful to the pages. Because additional services by professionals from the respective areas increasingly play a role: the operators of Reiterflirt.eu offer the members, for example, a professional service in all aspects of the horse. Operators, as well as members of the Nischendating platforms have great knowledge of your professional topic or hobby. Therefore, the forums of such communities are often true lexicons of respective interests. A selection of Nischendating portals: Reiterflirt.eu Gastrosingles.de railway singles-berlin.de Psylove.de Farmersingles.de image download in 300 dpi: picture horse Kiss: Tess/Printis-PR pferdefernsehen.cmserver.cmhosting.de/Pressefotos/Rinderkuss.jpg image Gabula: piqs.de/Printis-PR pferdefernsehen.cmserver.cmhosting.de/Pressefotos/Gaylove.jpg image: It worked: Printis-PR pferdefernsehen.cmserver.cmhosting.de/Pressefotos/es_hat_geklappt.jpg image punks in love: piqs.de/Printis-PR pferdefernsehen.cmserver.cmhosting.de/Pressefotos/punksinlove.jpg logo tab flirt: pferdefernsehen.cmserver.cmhosting.de/Pressefotos/Reiterflirt.jpg thank you! For further questions and pictures we like are available.

Hour Customer Service Request

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-02-2018



Continuous availability in the Internet age indispensable Hanover – 91 per cent of the managers of European companies suppliers would prefer, which offer a 24 hour service. It reported the magazine TeleTalk. And almost as many would be willing to pay more for a such round the clock service. But only 17 percent of the companies where the managers surveyed work, offer a 24 hour service. These are results of a survey on behalf of the TK provider Avaya for the 3,000 managers in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom were interviewed. On the question of which medium provides the best customer service, 70 percent of respondents said that the phone to the best suited, followed by emails and personal contacts. Only 18 percent send faxes and letters just 10 percent. The study is a through ball for the telephone self-service, because what company can afford to offer a 24-hour service.

Speech dialog systems are ideal for a service outside office hours. Currently the possibilities are used but too rarely for automation, such as ordering hotlines”, voice complained about days spokesman Bernhard Steimel. In the business customer just five to ten percent of the well-known voice applications are according to the annual study of the industry initiative voice business used. That is not understandable. There are even companies that shine with profane outgoing messages or voice mail off-hours. But, in the Internet age, companies must be the always available for private and business customers.

This is economically feasible only with language computers”sums up Steimel. Practical examples you could see… retrieve.

Italian Switzerland

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-02-2018



the music business portal track by track launches competition annoyed by Christmas carols? The merry Bunny video contest is a response! Paderborn, October 27, 2008 – something crazy for a music competition times compliant? “Then will the music business portal track by track” with the merry Bunny video contest “very please! The organizers explain, that they are tired of Christmas songs and like to need an attractive variety. The special thing about this competition is that creative crazy connection between Christmas and Easter via implementation of music and YouTube video. At the competition the fun factor should not come, but also attractive prizes such as a trip to Ascona in the Italian Switzerland, promotional vouchers or a professional layout of MySpaceprofils attract. Entitled to participate, each registered member of the track is by track B2B Portal. Registration and participation are free! The winners will be from the first advent gevoted. The outstanding feature of the competition is, that only musicians and labels, so to speak, music professionals, about Decide victory or defeat. May the creativity win!

Nonvaleur Concept Klaus

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 12-02-2018

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The auction catalogue can be requested free of charge. Investors have the opportunity to find out not only about current stocks and investments, but also about financial history on the 6 Cologne trading day in the Gurzenich (Martin str. 29-37). Because historical securities provide exactly this exciting information. Old stock and bond certificates have some experienced more than 100 years behind it and so many ups and downs in the stock market.

Total 240 antique securities come from 11:45 to the auction. Focus of the offer are papers from Cologne, 52 shares and bonds are offered in the city around the world-famous cathedral. Here the visitor will encounter certainly many well-known company name, he knows possibly from his youth time. Today, these companies are often settled or been taken over by international corporations. In particular, the papers signed by Konrad Adenauer are 32 city of Cologne on the program, with the lot numbers, 82 and 83 non-profit AG for housing, 203 and 204 city of Cologne is Cologne possible to acquire its signature in facsimile as Mayor. In addition to local papers, there is but also an international range. So, historical securities from Germany, Europe and America come to the auction.

The latter feature especially decorative steel engravings. For new collectors is possible without any obligation in the still very young collection way to internship. From 9:30 a visit of historical securities is possible. Auctioneer Klaus Schiefer also stands for information. Historical securities: Securities, called also Nonvaleurs, are old stock – and Anleihezertifkate without market value. The ancient documents are highly popular collectors.

Fascination Of The Orient

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 10-02-2018

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With all senses dive into the enchanting fairy tale world of ‘ thousand and one night In the Middle East and Arabia the stories from the thousand and one nights are still alive in the story tellers. It is a region fascinating in every way and different world, just a few hours from us. In the countries of the Orient, the stranger is welcome, as long as customs, traditions and religious customs are respected. People are generally very friendly and helpful. Kindness, respect, a smile, and sometimes patience often pave way and open doors remain closed the busy strangers. Syria and Jordan are two of the most historical and interesting countries in the Middle East.

Both countries were the bridge between East and West, through area of the peoples, population and territory of more powerful kingdoms for millennia. Syria, an ancient cultivated land between the Euphrates and Orontes, holds countless sites of cultural history: old oriental settlements,. Graeco Roman cities, Christian monasteries, Crusader Castle and richly decorated mosques. Greg Miller usually is spot on. Damascus, Palmyra and Aleppo are just a few famous names. On the territory of present-day Jordan, Nabataeans, Greeks, have written Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, Arabs and Ottomans great history and left impressive monuments. For this purpose the Pink is above all”Rock City of Petra, once capital of the Nabataeans and not wrongly to the UNESCO heritage explained. Syria and Jordan are also the bridge between the Mediterranean and the Arabian Desert and offer fascinating contrasts of nature. Fertile coastal strip and Jordan Valley are in stark contrast to the almost deserted desert in the East on the Arabian peninsula, today the world of the Bedouin, who move with their camels by the sand seas.

The new caravan catalog fascination group 2009 “exciting trips to Syria and Jordan are published. Other destinations are the Northern of Iran, a nine-day journey Oman fascination”with a total of 18 dates in 2009, which included costs flights with Lufthansa and English speaking tour guide from EUR 2,996 and already from 2 participants will be carried out. A special ride with the theme of woman power behind the chador”is a journey of discovery in this drive focuses Iran on encounters with people and particularly Iranian women, as well as the traditions, poetry, and the cooking of this fascinating country. The tour caravan travel provides in his catalog fascination group 2009 “many unusual travel suggestions for high quality group tours all over the world before as well as selected River and ocean cruises. The catalog can at the place of booking caravan travel Ludwigsburg, Germany, Tel.: 07141/2848-0, fax: 2848-25 or email: be requested free of charge and is available also in good travel agents. The catalogue under is published on the Internet. About the company: Caravan tours is a mid-sized travel agency based in Ludwigsburg, Germany near Stuttgart. Since 1950 the family business more than 200,000 passengers has brought a piece closer to the world.

Wine Storage

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 06-02-2018



The temperature is well known that heat reduces the content of alcohol in wine, Therefore, for optimal wine storage is required to maintain a stable temperature between 100C and 140 C. At temperatures above 140 C accelerates the maturation of wine, and at a temperature below 100C, on the contrary, slowed down. When choosing a wine cabinet should pay attention to the quality of insulation, which is responsible for maintaining a stable temperature inside the wine cabinet, regardless of outside temperature drops. The most economical model wine cabinets have a high quality thermal insulation thickness of 50 mm, which is equivalent to 2 m of ground insulation cellar. Standard wine racks have insulation thickness of 20 mm. For more specific information, check out Lars Leckie. Different wines have their favorable conditions and storage Recommended temperature use. Wine cabinets come with one, two, three or more temperature zones Wine storage.

Wine racks, in which wine is stored at a constant temperature, called the single-temperature (Mono). Two-temperature wine cabinets have 2 zones with different storage conditions for white and red wines. Three-temperature wine cabinets in addition to this offer separate temperature control for Storage of sparkling wine. Many-(multi), commonly referred to as wine racks, with more than 3 temperature zones with different storage conditions for different wines. It is many-cabinets provide ideal conditions for wine storage. The expensive models of wine cabinets for temperature control is not only a function of cooling, but heating function is to provide a stable temperature in the wine cabinet, regardless of changes in ambient temperature ranging from 00 C to 350 C.