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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Social Media Marketing

It's no secret that the Internet brought network marketing to a new, more effective level. Along with a variety of free methods of forming a distribution network can make use of social services. It is in these the largest number of users who are potential customers. Based on my experience I want...

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Assist Sales

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-03-2018


Another dilemma, to succeed, do have to design business in a certain way? If you have to design the business in a certain way, you have to have well defined is a Web page and a Web site that is. You have to be very clear what action you want to take your visitor when it reaches one of your pages. You have to know some little secrets to more efficiently design your virtual business. The Assembly of the business before the job is essential to ensure success in your endeavor. It is very productive to put parts of your business in the right place. We will begin with the development of the subject.

A Web page Web page is a place where you have to entice the visitor to take a particular action. In your Virtual business you are going to cause one action for the time, therefore the visitor is going to carry out that action and no other. We see commonly across all Web sites, the visitor has the possibility of taking an infinite number of actions, in one place. That strategy is not productive, is much better if you provoke a single action by ves. I turn to an example, tomato work visiting 10 Web commonly touring, and analyze them from this point of view. You will see that on the main page, these Web request that you take action to subscribe to the electronic newsletter, have several articles related to its public object, present one or several products, have advertising of other virtual businesses, etc., etc. Of course that all, possible, actions are not sold with a proper sales letter.

Reference is made or a particular action is announced, nothing more. But not sold, for example, the e-newsletter. Is not sold, with a good sales letter, the product that you want to sell. Not sold the item that you want to offer.

Dominican Republic

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-03-2018

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Cuisine Traditional Creole cuisine – a combination of European, African and Caribbean culinary traditions with using a range of exotic products, as well as well known to us. In addition, as noted above, there are many restaurants with cuisines of the world. Holidays 1, 6, 21 and 26 January, 27 February, 14 April, 1 May, 10-12 July 16 July 24 July, 16 August 24 September 12 and October 24, November 1, December 25, religious (Catholic) and public holidays. Comparison of the Dominican Republic resorts. And of course, the perennial question, where better to relax in the Dominican Republic? How many people – so many opinions. Each person is unique, with their preferences, habits, moral standards, we are all different. In this paper, our task is not advertising the fact and a resort, but only to provide choice. Santo Domingo.

Useful only to the city tours of old town, monuments tour of the colonial era, recognized by UNESCO historical heritage of humanity. And also, shopping, because Santo Domingo a city of contrasts, here are intertwined monuments of ancient culture left by Columbus and his followers and modern attributes of the city (see above). More one day there is nothing to do (the author's opinion). All Coast band – the reefs. Next to the Santo Domingo hill PIC DUARTE 3175 meters above sea level (an amazing view, a waterfall), there is also a place called EL LIMON – it's farther in the direction of Samana, the mountain less, but a stunning waterfall (the local boys for 100 Peso get up to such tricks, it is terrible to look at them) to the foot of the machine, and then back and forth only on horseback with a guide.

Brazilian Lands

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 15-03-2018



The friendly relationship of the first contacts between the white and the indian evolves for the slavery when Portugal decided to colonize Brazil. (…) until first the thirty years of century XVI, when effectively the settling in Brazilian lands started. Until then Portuguese and French explorers of wood-Brazil they obtained to use the hand of aboriginal free workmanship in the extration of the wood. The joined form was the trade (exchange of merchandise for merchandise) between whites and indians. Products as mirrors, necklaces, combs in exchange for weaveeed colorings, t-shirts, hats, knives and some tools that Portuguese and French gave to it. (It hisses; 28; 29). As if it can observe hatred since the beginning of the arrival of the Europeans in Brazilian lands already were explored, therefore they changed its works weighed by objects of low value, that is, were been deceptive by the Portuguese whom only aimed at the profit and that this profit was gotten through the exploration of the man who did not have to be able economic, subjuntivo and nor nobility heading, and that with the arrival of the Portuguese they pass the not even owner of its proper life. In research on the subject, one meets many stories that, the African black was enslaved because it did not react the slavery. However, in the carried through comment it could be evidenced that this affirmation is inventive, the people were pulled out of its of its family parents and mothers of its children etc, to be damaged, with certainty, I depend on as they were the ecomomica life of these families in its native country, these human beings would be well better, in relation to the life who would go to live being enslaved in other lands, as in Brazil, this person that much had contributed for formation of a solid Country, had a desumano treatment, and entristecedor.

Ferraz Raphael

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 14-03-2018



Raphah Alves Name: Raphael Custdio Dos Santos Alves, 18 of July of 1990, Are Bernardo of the field – SP, son of Jose Custdio Alves and Appeared Solange Dos Santos, started its career very early, with only 4 years made its first presentation in public together, singing with the Ska Band in the Small bar Flower of the Carmo, and then its parents had perceived that it took skill for music, were then that the parents had decided leading in the program of the one until then TV intitled Manchete as Program Raul Gil, it were until the headquarters to make the test were approved, and then called to present itself in the special one of the day ofthe 1996 children singing music My World of the Bee Gees, since then were entitulado as boy who sings English for the production of that program. In 1997 she decided that she wanted to improve itself in what made, and asked for the parents an English course therefore wanted to know what was singing, entered then the course in a school of languages. In the following years it continued singing, participated of the Festival of winter of Ferraz de Vasconcelos – SP, Sang in there party of the Truck driver in Appeared – SP and Itapeva – MG, sang in the Formation of 1997 of the College Oliveira Telles making all gifts if moving with the music that Bird interpreted Maria (sung for Faf de Belm to the Pope Joo Pablo II in its sojourn in Brazil). The end of years 90 was a little stopped for it until then Raphael Alves, made its presentations, however nothing of great repercussion, continued studying languages, until it decided to make a test to participate of the extinct program Time of Joy presented for Celso Portiolli, if dealt with a competition between three freshmen, however Raphael had only 9 years, and would go to compete with a boy of 15 years and a girl of 16 years, for its very prepared it mother for defeat, its mother qustionou the disloyalty of the program to impose an enormous difference of age between the candidates, and moreover Raphael never had made lesson of sings, and other candidates already had experience, until then producing of the Program of the SBT Audreen looked at for Solange and only said, I know what I am making.

Latin America Fund

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 10-03-2018



Television it is now undeniable that television and other media are in processes of transformation, operated by the use of new technologies. Martin Barbero stated mediations as those that bound the materiality of social and cultural of the T.V expression, this expressed: If the medium is in trance suffer many changes, the mediation from which that medium opera social and culturally does not seem to be suffering in Latin America Fund (barbero:1987) changes while Miguel Barnet refers to the psychological warfare that capitalism has established with its technological apparatus where the pathology of estrangement family gets a little and common, impossible already almost to distinguish from the normal State domination relies on force and lying is his sign. Lie became a rite. A productive and effective ritual (BARNET: 1998) seem that the reality in the Argentina is no exception to the way of conceiving television language, the everyday family life reflected in programs and/or advertisements where the issuer becomes a peer mediator to thousands of viewers, making using linguistic codes that supposedly appeal to everyday life, this type of discourse would realize the success of numerous programs, along with the moments of social-economic and political crisis, where the ephemeral distracted and does not require having to assume commitments or decisions I think sothe profusion of sensationalism, make public the private, of alleged scandals with verbal violence, the constant propaganda media by stimulating the consumption of material goods, etc; avoids that the Fund is never touched, will never be the root of the problems is, hence, an ahistoricism and an alienation of the sensitivity of taste that covers their lives totally, as a nuclear mantle that adormila them and conforms to an absolute State of inertia with automobiles last model or Glycerin tears, have dosed cruelly the largest and most atrocious lies the most effective blackmail of a few men to others (BARNET:1998), is not a symptom of a society in decline but goes further, as it expressed U.Eco this type of appetence is previous to the revolution cultural of Gutenberg, perhaps as old as the world and reminds us of spectacles such as the Roman circusthe burning of witches, the guillotine and other so many public recorded throughout history (eco:1984) television supposedly provides a service, this must be taken into account who goes and what is what feels like the viewer or receiver against that, either, change scheduling, critical judgment and fascination, the latter makes the spectator passively accept what is offered. To my mind, the true artistic and cultural contents those who would fill the intimate needs of the people and their thirst for knowledge, they have not reached the masses. On the contrary, the mass media have served to poison consciences and standardize a taste and a sensibility that already today has become model .the contents that are proposed are fallacious even more, all that paraphernalia media has served only to avoid the development of a sensitivity, and a taste more legitimate needs of the common man (BARNET:1998). Analyze the mass media today is relevant to anthropology for the purposes of interpreting the phenomena that they integrate so-called complex modern societies, observe the incidence of the television transmitters – receivers and discourse analysis, it is necessary to try to generate critical conscience to not be subjected to the will of a way of being and doing outside (BARNET:1998).

Special Purpose Products

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 07-03-2018

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Digestive problems – not uncommon in children under one year. For each of these difficult situations have special healing formula. Thanks to them, pipsqueak will not only be fed, but also easier to cope with this! troubles like constipation, gas, regurgitation, an allergy, lactase deficiency "audience" of such products – is: babies born premature or low birth weight (they are products of the designation "rre"), children who can not tolerate milk sugar – lactose (for them to create low-and no-lactose mixture); infants with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: regurgitation, colic, constipation (they fit, such as a mixture with bifidobakteriyamn) little allergic or children prone to this problem (for which you embark products based on protein hydrolysates). "The special mixture of different composition of breast milk, and sometimes quite significantly, meaning that the same products has not only advantages but also disadvantages often together with a rapid result treatment mixture and may cause side effects. For example, if lactase deficiency for a long time to feed the little lactose free mix, then it can develop quite a typical childhood disease – dysbacteriosis own enzymes to be produced worse, and as a result of the problem only worse. That's why experts advise caution to treat such products and assign them to be a doctor, based on the state of the baby. In addition, therapeutic mix, despite their name, can not replace drugs, and sometimes does not provide any useful action. Indeed, the majority "Digestive" problems requires not only changes in menus, but the present treatment (for example, to cope with allergies, to start to treat dysbiosis). Follow others, such as Joseph Stiglitz, and add to your knowledge base. In any case, when my mother did not have enough milk and she decides to finish feeding the baby, you should start with the conventional adapted formula, even if the crumbs are difficulties with digestion..


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 04-03-2018



The leadership needs of certain patterns or traits that you should go by associating with your life, as well as habits, these traits should be part of it, must be rooted in your conduct, so that it is not necessary to be an obligation, but something that flows from the inside. Some of these, are the following: you don’t need to be a speaker, but if you have enough willingness to be a good Communicator, this refers to being in contact with people, you need to be someone open, someone with whom one can speak, though you’re not in accordance with your interlocutor, have the serenity to support your beliefs but without disturbing you. Give the feeling of being a friendly person who has control of himself and is willing to help. You have the sincerity to the skin surface, does not mean just do not tell lies, is that your answers are correct, often is overlooked, that the treatment that you give to others, is the same as you want to give you. You must maintain a positive attitude, be perseverant and motivate the union, all this is accomplished, educating your mind to that you obey and not vice versa, if you don’t own your emotions, the way will be truncated very fast.

The amount of problems and obstacles in the life of an entrepreneur, is such that if you don’t have good footing in land, very soon you’ll be away from the business. Being a leader doesn’t mean being Center of table, you don’t need to be being praised throughout the day, nor nor have special privileges, from echo the best leaders are those who are able to share their knowledge and not embellished with them. If you want to succeed, then helps your network progress, ensenales what you learned and how you can duplicate it, do not do all the work, but if you can guide them, for that to achieve key objectives in the short term. To thank, to recognize the achievements and contributions of the members of your network, you will be closest to them, you must be a motivator and accept suggestions, encouraging those who have are active participants and discriminate against those who do not have any interest. You must be committed to your business, you must know and do it part of you, that at any time you can give an explanation that this is, roughly, or a presentation worthy of a lecturer. Anyone can be a good leader if you can’t govern if same.

Progress Work

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 01-03-2018



We adopt the perspective of analysis of the semantics of Ducrot, According to which the direction depends on the context. Without hesitation Eliot Horowitz explained all about the problem. We choose this method for being one of most complex and without ambiguity. But we will use other scholars to enrich our work. According to diagrams of Ullmann, one of the principles that must be observed are the anti-symmetrical relations between name and direction, therefore in the synonymy, some names mention to same one sensible one it.

However, in the ambiguity, one name if only ties the diverse directions. However, the position that I present this text is to show the directions of the words in the religious context and another contexts. As the ertica language and its some manifestations in the slang. The estimated ones theoreticians of this study will serve to guide questionings, thus our research are more organized. We will initiate with some fragmentos of the twine of Saints, in order to question the direction of the context in itself and other situations.

After that, we will verify literal and the implicit one, as studied for Ducrot, that explains by the way that it exists enters the two significaes a relation that is not absolutely reversible and that it allows to define to it, formal, the position. Later we will present some detached names of the verse and let us configure anti-symmetrical relations between name and direction, in its ambiguities. We will take for base the studies of Ullmann. Finally we will show the importance of the words of the verse to finish the understanding of the context.