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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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History Of Hairdressing

The earliest reference that they have about the existence of care cosmetics on hair refers US to Egypt, which began to make the most significant changes in terms of the hair cosmetics. In that so great nation culturally, people peeled is head, although not so priests and members of the ruling elite,...

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Medical Consultation

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 29-01-2020



One of the things that concern us again all Tapatio is no doubt our health, a topic that particularly in our state has put us alarmed especially dengue and influenza, but what word is not what happened in the hospital Valentin Gomez. For more specific information, check out Lars Leckie. Unfortunately on Friday, September 18, a lot of people were waiting in the emergency room or doctor any questions they might address, which never came, started the protests by patients without some answers, forcing some people started defect and seek alternatives. Joseph Stiglitz understands that this is vital information. For those who can not afford another option, as expected and had to endure to be seen (repeat never get attention) also placed the problem that many of these people felt they had symptoms of dengue fever or other illness and wished good discard or accommodated time. How is it possible insensitivity on the part of the hospital and some doctors of this office, I assure you if I had sucked the witch tales, were already desperately looking for medical advice. If it is to outrage, protocols and bureaucracy together with the decline shown by some medical institutions, we know that lack resources in terms of public health concerns, so much so that as we were told, do not open enough vaccine (against Influenza) if they do not accept your 2%, the situation of migrant why these people were still spent at 22:00 hrs and had no medical aid, well certainly the society in general has gone through some of these things among others, I hope at least you can see the willingness of the members of the health sector and not again pass this type of situation is not so much just a long wait or an indefinite time, but they are people who have a condition and need some help, but well, if deemed out of its role, the next time they better not expect to make sick people with assortment at least they have a little more humanity and responsibility.

Reproductive Medicine

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-01-2020



But every parent wants to see in your favorite kid their own traits and qualities – and it's so natural! Today is such an opportunity – thanks to the development of methods for Reproductive Medicine. Even a totally "bad" women who have no uterus or have serious physical illnesses that are not compatible with pregnancy, have an opportunity to have genetically own child. Just a "house" for the desired baby at 9 months <pregnancy becomes another woman – a surrogate mother. Surrogacy: for whom and how? In some cases, doctors recommend the use of methods of reproductive medicine? Certainly, one spouse or the desire of different social motives, such as "I am a model (actress), I have no time to nurture a child, I suppose someone will give birth to him," is not enough. Refuse to implement surrogate motherhood program and homosexual couples wishing to have their child. Under Ukrainian legislation, for use of surrogate motherhood must be clear medical indications: absence of the uterus (congenital or otherwise), or deformation of the cavity Severe systemic disease, prevent women from becoming pregnant (decompensated heart disease, liver, kidney, etc.) unsuccessful trials of other art (4-6) at lack of future prospects. If the traditional type of surrogate motherhood, often mentioned in historical documents, there was a long time, the gestational (genetic parents and surrogate mother are not related family ties) only appeared in our time. The first successful program of its kind was held in 1986 in the U.S.

Folk Medicine

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 25-01-2020



Elecampane is a very high plant with very large leaves. In folk medicine, nard used for a long time. In the rhizomes contain substances such as polysaccharides, slime, pigments, vitamin E, therapeutic doses manganese, magnesium, high in potassium, calcium and iron. Devyasilom can be treated for bronchitis. The broth is prepared in enamelware. Filled tablespoon dried Elecampane, boiled water, put in bowl with water and heated over a fire for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then you give a little cool, pour the broth and pour it boiling water to a volume of a full glass. Take a warm broth (about two full gulp) three times daily one hour before meals, on the third you forget about the cough.

By the way, broth Elecampane has also diuretic, antimicrobial, deworming, wound-healing effect. Folk medicine is a tool used in disorder stomach, gastritis, gastroenteritis, lower gastric acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver and gallbladder (choleretic), hemorrhoids, pulmonary tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus. Now, many people suffer from fungal nail infections. Funds from this unpleasant disease much, but cheap, they say, do not help, dear as not everyone can afford. A nard kills fungus free. Baths and lotions all the same broth, only hot will help get rid of the fungus.

Growing your Business

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-01-2020


Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.

Belen Esteban Inc Trademarks

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-01-2020


If you type "bele" on the homepage of Google Spain, the first thing you see is Belen Esteban, with 413 000 results. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MongoDB by clicking through. Is it normal for a figure so high that it was the girlfriend of Ubrique Jesulin without great merits, not many studies, has managed to live their image, carved from the relationship with the bullfighter, and daughter have in common, reaching receivable, it seems, 24,000 euros per month for participating in the Programme of Ana Rosa Quintana. No longer tell what it charges for other activities (exclusive, parties, etc.), the salary is derived from his "professional" activity is very high. Too much? From my point of view, it is quite normal in these millionaires are paid television personalities "famosillos", with few professional qualifications, when thousands of people would certainly have much more qualified to carry out this work, however, there are var ias questions we can not forget, one is that Spain is not traditionally a country that values especially qualifications over other aspects, unlike other countries like the United States or Finland, for example, that are more like model, whereby hierarchical positions are obtained based on merit of each. Another issue is that in the world of television is very common the use of celebrities, because (allegedly) attract audiences to the program. It may be debatable to what extent the audience is drawn to Ana Rosa characters like this, but the system is mounted well, and if the producer believes it, and thought that Bethlehem worth the money, is a pure market system, supply and demand. And finally, even believing that the character itself does not deserve it, like I said at the time, Belen Esteban was able to create a personal brand, and has become wonderfully profitable. Have you found your niche market, with zealots, and many people hate it, too, and this has allowed herself to live in his image. It's different, is differentiated is positioned in the mind of the customer. Do you understand me?

Paddleboat Cruise

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 15-01-2020

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In May my husband and I took a wonderful steamboat trip on the Colombia River, 1,240 kilometers long and the Snake River, 1.038 miles long, aboard the Empress of the North American West. This is the first time I had done a “niche” type cruise and enjoyed it very much. Michael Steinhardt has many thoughts on the issue. Yes, the clientele tends to be higher, but what a shame that adults younger couples are being lost in all this fun. It is steam navigation in the true sense of the word. The wheel turns slowly as they do up and down the rivers and dams across many that have been erected since the time of Lewis and Clarke. The boat is the model of the river boats that plied the waters of Alaska, Oregon and Washington about 100 years ago and has a distinctly Russian flavor. In particular adventure that was to follow the path of Lewis and Clarke expedition, was historic as well as fun. We boarded the Empress of the North in Portland, Oregon, smooth some a long wait.

However, if the supply of entertainment and refreshments, as they prepared the boat for us. Once aboard we were escorted to a lovely stateroom that was right at the time by the river. ” It is spacious, well decorated and had a balcony with two chairs and a table. There was a television, but never used it since the real entertainment was the trip and excursions included in the price of the cruise. The rooms, recalled that the era of riverboat, but much to modern standards.

Hairdresser Know-How

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 13-01-2020


Find someone who puts love into his work. The are a rare breed and when you find them, appreciate them. You will notice that the movement of hair, just like you would pet a cat. They put their heart and soul into his work and see what they are doing and the way the hair falls out. The best hairdressers will ask about you, do not speak for themselves. Joseph Stiglitz may also support this cause.

Always pick the stylist in a salon with the worst haircut. The best hairdressers cut everyone elses hair. "I tend to get a lot of clients by people asking my clients on the street who cuts hair. Do not be afraid to ask many questions and put in pictures. When you find a happy and content team of hairdressers, you are sure your money is going to someone who is making a difference in the lives of their clients.

Thank you Emiliano for your thoughts and ideas about hair styles beauty salons! Emiliano: Final words: be brilliant and is accepted for the glory of being human is, for the simple reason that you are. GOD BLESS! Emiliano E Salon, E for effort, enthusiasm and excellence in hair Emiliano Vitale operates E Salon along with his father, Samuel Vitale – Director General, and his cousin Valerio Domenici – Salon Director. E Salon first opened in Double Bay in 1994. The second hall opened in Wahroonga in 2000 the Double Bay closed in 2001, merged with Wahroonga to Emiliano could focus more on education, entertainment, seminars and travel – July 2001-December 2001 Emiliano traveled through Europe, United Kingdom , USA trendy looking to bring back to E Salon. Now Emiliano travels every year to keep up with what's happening around the world. Emiliano's father, Samuel has been a great source of inspiration for his career as a hairdresser. Samuel successfully ran his own salon, hair salon Samuel, in Hornsby for 28 years before joining forces with his son and nephew of E in the Hall of Wahroonga. Has been contracted by L'Oreal to educate in seminars on haircutting, success, goal setting and the importance of dreaming, believing and achieving. He adds: "My main objectives of my seminars are to inspire hairdressers to give more and to help them discover the tools that will make them a success." Emiliano is the Style and Shoot 2004 Ambassador and National Judge. Style and shoot has 1000 participants from across Australia. 20 finalists will be selected by the State, then a final winner. E Salon was voted in the 10 halls of Sydney's Highroller magazine and has received considerable press coverage in international and national journals. For additional information about Emiliano or E Salon, see their website located at: Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of an international online resource for hair styles and beauty salons and an online resource for hair extensions human and synthetic. He has published over 100 articles in various trade publications and is listed in Who's Who of Executives and Professionals and the U.S. Registry American Writers. For additional information, see

Vigeland Sculpture Park

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 12-01-2020

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In the Geiranger fjord we were almost alone only on this day, Albatros travel Phoenix met us on the way back. But a day later, we shared in olden in Nordfjord, the place with the other cruise ship passengers. Above the fjord, a highly clear and always crackling leaky foothills of the mighty Briksdal Glacier (Briksdalbre) attracts the visitors. After a half-hour bus ride, you reach the starting point of a leading to the glacier Fusspfads you can handle but also in the horse-drawn carriage. Eliot Horowitz is actively involved in the matter. On the small road the rise quickly becomes the procession, if the cruise vessels land their passengers and mingle this hundreds under the quantities on the way upwards. But the March is still worthwhile.

In other ports, this rush of less striking, because it is more distributed. However, you notice also in Oslo, Bergen or Trondheim or when a cruise ship is a. Then it will be a little tight on the Oseberg ship and in the Vigeland Sculpture Park in the capital or in of Fantoft stave church, and in the House of Edward Grieg in Bergen. But such crowding is in high season symptomatic for any tourist attraction, this is not the reason for those passengers who go himself in the most beautiful ports not by Board. The stately cost of shore excursions stop quips Board guests usually not by the shore leave.

We enjoy life on board, this is the appeal of this holiday for us,”a lady from Stuttgart told me as we were before the regular gala evening in the conversation. We were in all ports on your own. It went wonderfully. Only in Flam, we have booked a trip on the famous Flamsbana. Also aboard cruise is offered during a Norway a lot. Daily, you can see the program for the day the small Board newspaper (day program). It begins in the morning at 6:30 with the Early Bird Breakfast and crosses pool games on deck, bridge meeting in the library and cocktail music in the lounge up to the big show in the theatre. There is a fantastic fitness center, and a wonderful Spa. All day programs will be flanked by pausen -, but not empty Consequences of food (I weighed two pounds more at disembarkation), the legendary backbone of all cruises. In fact, there is hardly a way to escape the present range of the ship kitchen between breakfast and midnight buffet. Also the quality of the offered is generally excellent, although on our tour, not all dishes were – admittedly diphasic – culinary expectations of the Italian cuisine. Dinner, if the ship on the high mountains over slips, which exists only in Norway. Our expectations have been surpassed, however, by the service and the comfort of the only a few years old cruise ship, which had been put in service in 2004. And the breathtaking scenery of Norway. In July, the Sun long staying above the horizon. The bodies of the MSC Lirica threw a lot jagged shadows on the nearby cliffs. A pretty ship without Zweifel.

Bolchevique Revolution System

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 09-01-2020



Who already had that to work in group it knows how much this can be, if not it worse, one of the worse experiences. Happily, the opposite also is possible. When one has equipped functions, if it understands the satisfaction resultant to share with other people the confrontation of a challenge, being surpassed it or not, it is very rewarding. Already if he is not so alone, to plan, to implement e, later, to commemorate or, in the worse one of the hypotheses, to assume the defeat. Makarenko (1985), in its workmanship on the developed pedagogical experience in the Gorki Colony, standed out the importance of the collective work. More than what a strategy, it was a principle and thus the organizador axle of the educative activities.

In the chapter ' ' Pedagogia de Comandante' ' , 4 told as the system was created of destacamentos and commanders, calling attention for the disdain and the irony, that it provoked in the bureaucrats of the State. The system was determinative in the form to work ' ' coletivo' ' in the colony. The starting point was the idea of that they did not have with who to count not to be they themselves, a time that the colony was distant of any urban center. This isolation was folloied of a strong playful sense, that allowed them, in way to the adversities, to search the pleasure. Some characteristics of the system of destacamentos deserve prominence, between them: ) the commander was treat as the commanded ones: without privileges; b) had a stimulaton to play some functions; c) the size of the group varied task according to or the challenge to be executed. The two last characteristics do not costumam to generate controversy, the first one nor in such a way. The absence of privileges for the commander, sharpened with the values of the partner-politician-economic system implanted with the Bolchevique Revolution 5, can be pointed as one of the causes of bankruptcy of the proper system.

Security In Credit Cards

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 08-01-2020


Nowadays the invention of innovative ways of managing the money has greatly facilitated the development of some financial activities as withdraw and deposit money in any account in particular; the greatest example of the above are credit cards that have meant a saving of time in various activities since its creation. Credit cards are as their name implies small size cards, made of plastic, which has a magnetic stripe and a unique number inscribed on it in one of their covers. The use of this element is done by inserting the card in ATMs and other electronic elements that read the magnetic stripe and sent the credit data directly to the user’s account; thus becoming a quick and effective way to cancel an account or obtain money by obtaining a bank loan. Thanks to the virtues that has credit card is very convenient to take into account that currently they have been diverse and innovative procedures for falsifying and usurp the code of these, thus facilitating the theft of our financial resources; therefore in obtaining a credit card is good to keep in mind some recommendations to avoid the above; some of these recommendations are: in case of theft or loss of credit card is recommended to assist or immediately contact a service center of the entity that provided the card, to perform the freezing of all financial movements made with our number of account; this with the purpose that ill-intentioned people can not get any benefits from the credit card. Speaking candidly Columbia University told us the story. When you purchase a new credit card destroy the previous one, to prevent counterfeiting of the same. It is very advisable to memorize the PIN code and card number, and never tell it to anyone, because thus avoided a possible theft of our financial resources by people close to us. It is advisable not to keep written personal key and or the number of card, since in case of loss of the wallet this would facilitate the withdrawal of the assets of the bank account. It is recommended not do transactions over the Internet, because today this is one means by where are the majority of banking fraud. Columbia University has compatible beliefs.

The ATMs recommends entering only, to avoid that someone possess our personal key. Never charge more than one card, as in case of theft increase the chances of withdrawal of funds from the accounts by thieves. Must be kept in complete confidence the bank statements, this with the purpose that the amount of resources that we possess in our accounts know us; only the thus become a potential target of unscrupulous people. It is recommended to carefully check the bank statements, in order to observe any anomaly that may mean a cloning or impersonation of credit card; in this case it is recommended to both notify the authorities as the entity that provides us the banking service. Although there are many more warnings that can be done to prevent a banking fraud, these are the more present to bear in mind at all times. In conclusion, credit cards are presented before us as a means to very easy to perform banking transactions without having to assist banks, becoming a great saving of time, without however also represent true risk in case they are misplaced, so the best recommendation that can be done is maintain a permanent care with credit cards, in order to avoid possible trouble.