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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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About Gartoo Gartoo Germany

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 22-05-2020



The northernmost district of Munich is a free man. Moderate prices and great transport links make Freimann an ideal residential area just for students. Northwest is located Allach, a family-friendly area of the city. Allach offers a rich leisure and recreational facilities, green spaces, as well as a good connection to the public transport network. Generally, anyone who would like to rent an apartment in Munich, should know that the rental prices are rather high. Perhaps check out Joseph Stiglitz for more information.

Not for nothing it is said to Munich to be the most expensive city in Germany. Therefore you should clear be already before the real estate search, what to expect from his residential area and how much one is willing to pay for them. Use the innovative Immobiliensuchmaschine Gartoo.de interested parties faster and easier your dream property in Munich track. For even more details, read what Columbia University says on the issue. Tenants and buyers benefit from the so-called semantic full-text search, thanks to which they can freely enter keywords. Thus, the search, not like in other real estate portals, is constrained by selection filter. Users can therefore concrete query, as E.g. 2 rooms with balcony to buy apartment in Munich”, enter directly into the search slot, and Gartoo.de combing through an extensive database of real estate offers and delivers the best results. The clever Immobiliensuchmaschine Gartoo and for more information, visit.

About Gartoo Gartoo Germany is a new real estate search engine, which can be called free of charge on the Internet since August 2009. It is operated by Lokku Labs, the experimental platform of Lokku limited. Through the use of modern technologies, Gartoo the Immobiliensuchenden offers many new possibilities. So, you can perform text-based and very precise search queries. For this purpose the search engine aggregates hundreds of thousands of listings from all over Germany. The Mission of Gartoo is among other things with all existing Internet technologies, including natural language processing, and user friendliness, to experiment, to understand how the users most efficient and fastest to find their purchase or rent real estate.


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 22-05-2020

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In the hydraulic fluid flows from the springs of one of the cylinder to another through the calibrated holes. In the air springs, in addition, can be used the elastic properties of the gas or air. Dampens vibration damping element body caused by unevenness of the road and inertial forces and, consequently, reduces their impact on passengers and cargo. It also prevents fluctuations in unsprung mass (bridges, rails, wheels, tires, axles, hubs, levers, wheels and brakes, etc.) relative to the body, thereby improving the contact wheel and the road. Shock absorbers, damping element as a modern suspension, most widely due to a combination of efficiency in work, reliability and manufacturability. The main function of shock is a vibration damping in the suspension, ensuring a reliable contact with the road wheels, comfort and safety. To perform its function of absorbing shock should a certain amount of energy oscillations, or, more precisely, it is not absorbed, and transform it into heat.

Amount of energy absorbed depends on the mass, spring stiffness, the oscillation frequency and the construction of the shock absorber. Jobs shock based on two basic properties of the liquid, its continuity and strength. Damping oscillation damper is carried by the hydraulic resistance caused by the fluid when passing through the valve system. On the compression stroke of shock absorber fluid flows from podporshnevoy nadporshnevogo in the cavity, and the volume of fluid displaced by the logged in part of her stroke, flows into the outer tank. When otboe all happens in reverse order. Shock resistance force established and controlled by a valve compression and rebound damping, and relief valves allow fluid to flow only in the desired direction. Produced in the world are divided into two shock absorbers main groups: Hydraulic (or oil) Hydropneumatic (or gas-filled), which in turn are divided into two pipe and one pipe: 1.Davlenie gas is passed through a liquid separator piston eliminates its cavitation and foaming, it ensures the stability of resistance to shock. 2.Gaz under pressure is an additional elastic element suspension.

Despite the fact that the elastic force of the gas is much less than that of the spring, the gas is compressed only after the compression, together with shock. So the characteristic elasticity of the gas is actually added to the elasticity of the spring. 3.Pochti all the kinetic energy fluctuations car turns into a shock absorber in the heat. Should take the heat, and monotube shocks this is done efficiently, which improves its performance. 4.Pri the same outside diameter of the shock absorber piston area in single-pipe construction more than two-pipe, this allows more efficient to put out any vibration frequency. 5.Odnotrubny shock after long-term storage in any position is always ready to be installed on the car, then a twin-tube after storage in a horizontal position requires pumping prior to installation.

Alejandro Ramirez

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 08-05-2020

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Today no one can deny the maximum that already several months ago came over-stretching: the world is in crisis. Crisis mainly to economic, made level that vary so as conspicuously attitudes, behaviours and emotions of entire human and institutional network that make up the social fabric of a country. Trust falls for fear the worst, determined in large part by the constant drip of negative news that constantly arise from the media relating to unemployment and the fall in consumption, drop that is reinforced and fed back also with the internalization of these bad news, which are tonic constant within personal conversations and clear main topic of news in reference to tourism, the world of hospitality and tourist accommodation, the concern may be whether it should be even greater, due to the abstract nature of the actual value that a holiday may have. I can remember my parents say that, not too long ago, going on vacation to the beach it was a real luxury. Click Lars Leckie for additional related pages. But I personally do not believe that the tourism should be the weakest link in the chain, and that has to suffer in a specific way much more than other sectors. The holidays have become sacred, something that the average Spanish has has earned with hard work, work that in many moments may have endured thanks to the idea of those special moments that only a good vacation can give us.

This must be attached in addition that hoteliers and travel agencies are putting the batteries, and are redoubling efforts and to promote their products in the most aggressive way possible. In this sense, one of the formulas used by hoteliers to increase your sales and ensure a minimum occupancy in certain seasons, as well as loyalty to a client for a particular destination, is offering early booking. For the UK market in particular is formula is nothing unknown, but yes for the majority of Spaniards. It is a way to save a large sum of money (discounts reach up to the) 20% of the total amount of the reservation), without having to risk their money in the event of cancellation, due to more flexible cancellation policies-, hoteliers offer. In this sense, the forecast as a way of saving can be a great formula for real savings for someone who does not want to give up as long-awaited vacation.

10 Things We Can Do In Favour Of Water

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 07-05-2020

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Water is the basis of life, and only a small fraction, less than one per cent of all freshwater of all aquatic ecosystems is available for almost 7 million people on this planet. The share of freshwater is quite small by is that we have to use just to satisfy all our needs in terms of irrigation, industry, drinking water, sanitation and needs not of thousands, if not of millions of other plant and animal species that share the planet with us. Water is today a well highly prized and much needed in certain regions of the world, not for nothing is seen as the new oil, tending to assess a strong ways in the monetary sense. For example, the average American lifestyle requires 1,800 litres a day, 70 percent of this liquid ca to support our diet. If each of us learn to retain only a little more than water, could generate a great saving of this vital liquid. These are a simple changes in our consumption habits of water that will help us to protect and not to waste this precious and scarce liquid: 1. perform gardening to outdoor suitable for the climate where you live.

Native plants and herbs that grow with natural precipitation are indicated truly as well n will have to abuse water to hydrate them constantly. 2. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Hummer Winblad by clicking through. Install low-flow faucets and showers. Likewise if you omit the constant use of hot water, your energy bill is also reduced. 3. At the time of purchase a bathroom, buy one low volume, ultra low volume or the model of double download. 4.

Repair dripping taps. All these missed drops are added, may sometimes waste of 10 to 25 gallons per day. 5. If you are not convinced, visit Eliot Horowitz. Run the dishwasher and the washing machine only when full. When it is time to replace them, buy a model of energy efficiency. Remember, saving water saves energy, and saving energy saves water. 6. Eat a little less of meat, especially the typical hamburger which could have been spent 630 litres of water to be produced. 7. Buy less stuff. Everything that need the water to be carried out. So if we buy less, we will reduce our footprint in the war against the shortage of water and the waste of the same. 8 Recycle plastic, glass, metals and paper. Or try to buy reusable products rather than non-returnable products, because we have to use water to do almost everything. 9 Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and wash the dishes. Take one or two minutes of your time in the shower to shave. 10 Know the sources of drinking water either the River, Lake or aquifer that caters to your home. Once you know, you worry more about her. Millions of people who make even the smallest things are what really make the difference, so you believe that is not the case.

Escobar Diaz Santiago

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 04-05-2020


A bicycle is a vehicle when it is used on public roads. 2 Cycling: bicycle driver. 3 Bike lane or bike path or track cycling: specialized public roads for the movement of bicycles. The bike paths can be urban, interurban and bi-directional or unidirectional, as permitted in them the circulation in one or both directions. Also, they may be used exclusively for bicycles or carpool with other modes or means of transport. But after this request to the State to encourage the use of the bicycle, which I totally agree. There is a big problem: where ando? Here is where comes to the fore the ciclovia concept that just define according to the already mentioned article. Joseph Stiglitz is actively involved in the matter. The rider must go by that public space, since that was designed.

Pedestrian circulates in the sidewalk, motorists or motorists on the street and the rider by the ciclovia. What if where I live, or I’m going there is no bike paths? Here is the great problem, if I go down the street along with automobiles is likely to come out damaged, so I better go to the sidewalk and traffic out there. It is this time where most cyclists don’t understand that they are not in the unrequited place, it’s like being a house guest, therefore not you can walk at high speed by simulating a racing track. There are many people that transits the sidewalk and presents some physical problems and requires great care, since he also has right to get out and enjoy your city and surroundings. Generally bad cyclists have alterca you with these individuals because of his recklessness. As they go at very high speeds, if they generate a problem not even realize. See more detailed opinions by reading what Joseph Stiglitz offers on the topic..

Unfortunate situation, since the thing would be that all lived in harmony and with the presence of respect foreign and own rights. I remember the comment of a lady that sells at a kiosk and that had an accident because of a cyclist: everyone encourages the use of the bicycle, but nobody taught the proper use of this. There is the answer to everything. EDUCATION. The cyclist knows that it must pass through the ciclovia (Recalling that when boarding on the bicycle, he becomes a vehicle) if it is not so done by the sidewalk or street, with a lot of careful not go to anyone and the protection of their integrity, either with helmet and utensils related as such. In addition, include a horn and lights, so they can see with tranquility in times where visibility is not faithful companion and that can alert going to overtake someone, because that usually pass quickly from behind and people don’t realize or that someone happened out there. This is how the proper use of the bicycle, will not only help the environment on matters of pollution, but also a harmony among citizens. Where all us respect and care. Juan M. Escobar Diaz Santiago de Chile, 16/12/10 original author and source of the article


Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 02-05-2020


You are on your first appointment, you arreglaste very well, you’re decent or worthy of an interview on the main television channels, but you’re also nervous or nervous, many things go through your head: don’t know you’re going to say?or what are you going to ask?. You only know two things: the person with whom you have the appointment attracts you chemically and do not want to ruin that first magical moment. Find out in this article: how to make your first couple appointments are an success asking targeted questions to communicate effectively and respecting certain rules and secrets of verbal communication and non-verbal. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MongoDB by clicking through. The secrecy and the rule of the verbal communication the secret to effectively communicate with the person in whom we are interested in starting a relationship is to be: real and true. But this secret is always accompanied by a rule not all on the same day.

That is not going to count your life in an hour or two, also you have to listen carefully and ask questions with respect to the subject they are talking about to know if you are understanding what the person is trying to communicate, for example: name, if you understood what you’re telling me is you think. you acted in this way. On the other hand, another rule that applies in any type of relationship which we are starting, is that we must not have our life to anyone, until we have learned to know that person, and whether it is worthy of our trust. But how are referred to people?. It is good that you asked. Meet them the people asking questions, God is the only one that reads minds. Why my clients in private coaching sessions taught that after applying the golden rule of asking questions, they must also apply these non-verbal communication strategies: observe how our interlocutor in certain circumstances, that makes this person reacts VIBRATE.

October Channels

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 02-05-2020



Miss alleys, runs through the empty streets of a city that always is full of people, crosses bridges into the unknown of an island that nobody thinks it is. Venice is gondolas, crystals of colors, pigeons in the plaza de San Marcos, channels, water and culture, lots of culture that breathes nothing more reach. Eliot Horowitz insists that this is the case. Hundred and twenty small islands crosses by 200 channels and connected by 400 bridges in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. Venice is a city that does not leave indifferent any of its visitors, and the day receives more than 100,000. Once he gets a foot in the city of the channels the perception of time, space and the story changes completely. Maybe l high acqua (rising tide) that obliges visitors to walk on makeshift wooden bridges to not get wet feet for a few hours from October to may. Or perhaps because to move through its streets you can only catch a vaporetto or boat that acts as an urban bus, but undoubtedly Venice is different. The city of the channels saved one of the most important art collections from around the world.

Great figures of the painting as Velazquez or Rubens school, led colors warm and rich, as well as modelling part of the Baroque style of the GRANADIAN throughout Europe. Of course, to learn about the Venetian art and those who worked in this city should visit the Gallery of the Academy where is one of the richest collections in Venetian painting, where Titian or Giorgione are some examples. Though at present, it also highlights the modern art of the Grassi Palace, where you can see from Dali to Brunelleschi. But one of the best-known symbols of this city and scene of many films is the Plaza de San Marcos it pigeons, tourists and the symbol of the city Lions accompany the Byzantine Basilica of San Marcos this reconstructed basilica after ignite I, retains mosaics of great value inside.