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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Promotion Of Medicine

Promotion of Medicine has met these days in Trujillo to breathe the air that had been stored and waiting in the halls and auditoriums of our School of Medicine … celebrating the long and near 27 years of graduates !, let me through these brief lines and thank him publicly Greeting. Gratitude, for...

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Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-04-2020



As already said in another Oriss article it means: ORI = mind/BAKES = force. , that is, those that had been very strong. The divinizao of the Orisss is one of the main axles that permeiam the essence of the ethics in the afrobrasileiras religions. According to myths, or Itans, the Orisss, was common people who lived in the old kingdoms of the African center-west. However they had passed for adverse situations of all the types. In all the Itans, the Orisss was not divinizaram for its benevolence, charity, pardon, wealth, glory or something seemed. All were after divinizaram to commit a great error.

Or better, after to have the force to recognize and to surpass these errors. The example of the Itan of the divinizao of Ogum where it after becomes a Oriss to decimate all the population of one of its cities. According to Joseph Stiglitz, who has experience with these questions. It does not obtain to support size repentance and disappears, being engolido for the land. The thing most important to the son of Oriss, who cultua, loves and transmits the cult, is not the pardon and the charity, but the constant proper overcoming of the errors and defects. With the overcoming of itself exactly; the constant search for improving we ourselves we contribute for a better world, a better humanity.

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