For it, the brown woman was the preferred one of the lusitanos for the love, mainly for ' ' love fsico' ' , justifying the popular said one that invigorated during centuries XVIII and XIX in Brazil, ' ' white woman to marry, mulata for F, black to work, dictated where if she feels to side of the social commercialism the superiority of the white woman and the inferiority of the black color, the sexual preference for mulata' '. Perhaps this incessant desire of the Portuguese for the crossbred women explained the great population with negroides traces existing in the State of Minas Gerais. During the height of the exploration of the gold in this state they had been brought of Africa, women of two distinct tribes, mines and fulas. These Africans not only had the skin clearest as well as possuam a culture that despertou the interest of ' ' European conquistador' '. The woman mines was as fulas was, in its respective tribes, excellent owners of house, however, Araripe Jnior apud Freire# wrote that ' ' the mine always presented in Brazil with all the qualities to be an excellent friend, as much in the bed as in the tasks domsticos' '. Still as Freire (2003) was thanks to the envolvement between whites and the women mine that if originated the mining state, therefore existed in this region a very great lack for women had the great contingent of workers men who were directed to work in the mines until century XIX. In 1818 the free mestizos in escravista Brazil corresponded 5% of the population, however, cinquenta and four years later, in 1872, these in turn already added a contingent of 42,8% of the Brazilian population, that is, the great majority. The preponderant factors for the extreme growth of the crossbred population had been the acquired freedom postwar period of Paraguay, the end of the traffic of slaves from 1853, as well as the branqueamento ideal that will be argued in elapsing of this article. .