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AVC Therapy

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 07-09-2018



Before the carried through fisiopatolgicas consideraes already, it agrees that the professional nurse who acts in the emergencial sector can develop an assistance based on the best choices for each clinical picture that the same if comes across, where the time and the taking of decisions makes the difference in the same improvement or in the aggravation of the emergency to neurovascular AVC. Soon, we can cite as generalistas orientaes of the possible actions of nursing in the sector of emergency for the patients acometidos for the AVC: Evaluation of the patient through the description, physical and neurological examination, aiming at the beginning of the clinical picture, evolution, gravity and the type of the AVC (ischemic or hemorrhagic). Of this form, the cares pass to be directed from the choice of the treatment for the medical team: therapy with trombolticos or of the interventions related with intracraniana hipertenso. The accurate determination of the beginning of the state for the tromboltico treatment, and currently is the maximum therapeutical window of 3 hours. To act in the due guiding, of fast form and insurance, the patient for the accomplishment of disgnostic examinations of neuroimagem. The computerized cat scan is obligator to identify the type of AVC (ischemic or hemorrhagic); To supply a hemodinmica monitorizao continues of the patient, through the installation of cardioscpio, manguito of mensurao of the not-invasive arterial pressure programmed for gauging to each 5 minutes, oximetria of pulse, corporal temperature and mensurao of the intensity of pain; To make possible venosos accesses of thick bore (14G or 16G), of preference in the veins located in fossa antecubital and of antebrao, immediately before the beginning of the tromboltica therapy. If necessary it must be carried through the vesical cateterismo and the ticket of the nasogstrica sounding lead, also preceding the tromboltica therapy. To guarantee that the patient will have to remain during 24 hours without the accomplishment of invasive procedures, had to the risk of hemorrhages. Please visit Joseph Stiglitz if you seek more information.

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