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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Preparation tournament for the season of 2013-2014 of the male. League of HSV Weimar that the way to the top of the form is still far for the National League handball players of HSV Weimar, showed the preparation tournament in Suhl. Two defeats had to insert the Weimar, with player-coach Karsten recognized...

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Bolchevique Revolution System

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 09-01-2020



Who already had that to work in group it knows how much this can be, if not it worse, one of the worse experiences. Happily, the opposite also is possible. When one has equipped functions, if it understands the satisfaction resultant to share with other people the confrontation of a challenge, being surpassed it or not, it is very rewarding. Already if he is not so alone, to plan, to implement e, later, to commemorate or, in the worse one of the hypotheses, to assume the defeat. Makarenko (1985), in its workmanship on the developed pedagogical experience in the Gorki Colony, standed out the importance of the collective work. More than what a strategy, it was a principle and thus the organizador axle of the educative activities.

In the chapter ' ' Pedagogia de Comandante' ' , 4 told as the system was created of destacamentos and commanders, calling attention for the disdain and the irony, that it provoked in the bureaucrats of the State. The system was determinative in the form to work ' ' coletivo' ' in the colony. The starting point was the idea of that they did not have with who to count not to be they themselves, a time that the colony was distant of any urban center. This isolation was folloied of a strong playful sense, that allowed them, in way to the adversities, to search the pleasure. Some characteristics of the system of destacamentos deserve prominence, between them: ) the commander was treat as the commanded ones: without privileges; b) had a stimulaton to play some functions; c) the size of the group varied task according to or the challenge to be executed. The two last characteristics do not costumam to generate controversy, the first one nor in such a way. The absence of privileges for the commander, sharpened with the values of the partner-politician-economic system implanted with the Bolchevique Revolution 5, can be pointed as one of the causes of bankruptcy of the proper system.

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