BPI Solutions Leading Transaction-related Archiving Linge Man A
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 26-03-2016
Tags: business & economy, trade
Management and business process optimization in the Midmarket Linge man steel wholesale steel GmbH marketed rolled steel and flat products in Handelsguten as well as tubes and editing documents. With these grades – and size diversity, the company is a much sought-after problem solver. See Tony Bartel for more details and insights. About 12,500 m m storage area stocked the company on average 10,000 tons of material in the product ranges rolled steel, sheets, tubes, bright steel, carbon steel and stainless steel. A high-bay warehouse system allows with 1,642 storage compartment-cassettes with a total 5419 tons total capacity in 2-layer quickly and efficiently to all customer requests and Lieferbereitschaften to enter. Linge man steel wholesale sees thus able to deliver large and exceptional specifications fully and on time from the list. Millions of tube and pipe fittings of highest quality and dimensional accuracy are processed annually in the tube-Anarbeitungs-Center. A Trumpf tube laser “TruLaser Tube 5000” completes the range of services to work.
Linge man Steel wholesale supplies tubes and on processing parts “just in time” nationwide and in the European neighbouring countries. Linge man has contracted with the company-wide introduction of the DMS and archive solution of dg hyparchive bpi solutions. Decisive for the decision, the deep level of integration of dg hyparchive KI/steel steel trade solution based on the ERP solution was Semiramis and the simple connection of additional systems of document management and archiving solution. The company is already working with E-mail archiving for MS Exchange-dg mail. Now the introduced solution is equipped with the next component: the enterprise-wide archiving for transaction-based storage and revision-proof storage with dg hyparchive. The full integration of dg hyparchive in KI / steel archive solution allows convenient management and archiving of the homemade steel testimonies, order-related data directly from the ERP system in the archive. The industry solution of KI system mates covers in conjunction with dg hyparchive the requirements in the steel trade completely off.