Chile Sebastin Piera
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-12-2018
Tags: parties, radio, roll, soccer, the news
Wednesday in Atacama passed express and the cold grew with the hours. Nevertheless, the joy of the presents in the zone caused that the human heat defeated adversities indicated, that hell finally finished. All the familiar and journalistic sacrifice, as well as the one of the authorities to rescue these men, was compensated. They are free and with their families. Chile gave an organization example and moved until the level one to the entire world.
The union of countries for these workings demonstrated that yes it is possible to be worked by a common objective, and the perseverancia of the 33 miners gave a lesson us: to never resign is the option, always the man can control to the adverse situations with faith, value, the hope and, most important, with the love of its dear beings. In Paraguay, the ABC newspaper Color titled " Exciting rescue of Chilean miners makes lagrimear to mundo" , " To the 21:55 of last night it left to surface the last one 33" , " Tragedy, hope and a total end of alegra". Among others concepts, the newspaper described the event that affected to the entire world of " historical and exitoso" and it showed that it generated " one immediate explosion of joy in all the country trasandino" , as well as the row in diverse parts of the planet. The 33 miners were brought to the surface one by one in a lapse smaller to 24 hours since first Tuesday to the midnight emerged. After 70 days catched to 700 meters of depth, Wednesday at night slept for the first time in a bed really in a hospital of Copiap, 800 kilometers to the north of Santiago the presidents of some countries have called to the president of Chile Sebastin Piera, in order to congratulate it by the success of the operation, therefore the president North American Barack Obama made a call him to his Chilean colleague Sebastin Piera to congratulate it by the successful rescue of 33 miners catched for more than two months.