Raphah Alves Name: Raphael Custdio Dos Santos Alves, 18 of July of 1990, Are Bernardo of the field – SP, son of Jose Custdio Alves and Appeared Solange Dos Santos, started its career very early, with only 4 years made its first presentation in public together, singing with the Ska Band in the Small bar Flower of the Carmo, and then its parents had perceived that it took skill for music, were then that the parents had decided leading in the program of the one until then TV intitled Manchete as Program Raul Gil, it were until the headquarters to make the test were approved, and then called to present itself in the special one of the day ofthe 1996 children singing music My World of the Bee Gees, since then were entitulado as boy who sings English for the production of that program. In 1997 she decided that she wanted to improve itself in what made, and asked for the parents an English course therefore wanted to know what was singing, entered then the course in a school of languages. In the following years it continued singing, participated of the Festival of winter of Ferraz de Vasconcelos – SP, Sang in there party of the Truck driver in Appeared – SP and Itapeva – MG, sang in the Formation of 1997 of the College Oliveira Telles making all gifts if moving with the music that Bird interpreted Maria (sung for Faf de Belm to the Pope Joo Pablo II in its sojourn in Brazil). The end of years 90 was a little stopped for it until then Raphael Alves, made its presentations, however nothing of great repercussion, continued studying languages, until it decided to make a test to participate of the extinct program Time of Joy presented for Celso Portiolli, if dealt with a competition between three freshmen, however Raphael had only 9 years, and would go to compete with a boy of 15 years and a girl of 16 years, for its very prepared it mother for defeat, its mother qustionou the disloyalty of the program to impose an enormous difference of age between the candidates, and moreover Raphael never had made lesson of sings, and other candidates already had experience, until then producing of the Program of the SBT Audreen looked at for Solange and only said, I know what I am making.