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Henry David Thoreau

With respect to the cultural space they are taken root the customs, the beliefs and what it is expected of an O-Man a woman. Therefore, the cultural space tends to perpetuate or no, the masculine violence within the scope of the pair diverse Existen types of violence within which they are: PHYSICAL...

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Gisela Lambruschini

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 28-01-2016


The ideal of every man, according to Confucio, is to be wise, and this be wise is to keep balance, therefore recommended the knowledge and love of others and the world, but do not adhere to them. It says that to sort the rule and make it suitable for progress it has to sort first individuals, then the families and then cities.Sentence of Confucius: nature makes the men we like each other and us together; education makes us different and us away. Also within Eastern thought are the contributions of Lao Tse, that as Gisela Lambruschini, says the us probably from the year 600 BC, therefore, previous to Confucius. Its name means old master. Lao Tse was a legendary Sage of Chinese antiquity who founded Taoism, a philosophy of life.

He wrote a play called Tao-Te – King, which translates: book on the way and virtue. Understanding the Tao as a principle, Lao Tse, considers that this is the beginning of all things, the first cause, identified with the law that governs everything exists, and that law, in turn, is not conditioned by any law, is in itself is an eternal and impersonal law. The book Tao Te King proposes a philosophy that attempts to show the path of virtue, harmony and happiness to human beings. Taoism suggests spontaneity, leaving things to take their natural course, that they flow, without forcing the actions or interfere in its development. Everything that happens is part of the Tao and every human being must seek the path inside. The Taoists believed that man should return to its original state and to devote themselves to the forces of nature. Thus, the true Taoist becomes a hermit. In another sense, it considers the Tao as a way in which the man finds its realization.

Like Confucius, in his ethics, has certain similarities with Christian ethics. It should be noted as Gisela Lambruschini reminds us, the Orientals conceive reality as flow and changes perpetual. But these changes do not correspond to a chaos, but an evolution to sense where everything happens by mutations channelled within the natural laws of motion. The type of permitted mutations are three modes change as follows: 1. harmony: reality is a path which begins in the undifferentiated State and operates in several cycles according to the principle of reversal, to level the opposite and return to the initial harmony. 2. Metamorphosis: Is the law that orders the continuous cosmic change, the dialectic or interaction between opposites and is related to the concepts of karma and harmony. The transformation is karma in action to restore the balance of universal harmony. 3. The return: is an idea deeply rooted in the mentality of the East; in the hindu cosmological myth where the cyclical nature of creation and destruction of the universe. Creation of creator are not separated and postulates a being that it secretes Yes and picks up the universe. Repeated acts of creation and universal gathering in intervals that are immense duration newspapers, which are marked by a pace of change that is cyclical. The reality is the entire universe, existing things, material and mental.

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