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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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It was the guest options that were not intended for everyday use, there are now Reinforced cots, which are suitable for everyday use. – The most convenient is withdrawable version, called the telescope, when from under the seat extends an additional plane, and the difference in height of two levels...

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Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 29-10-2019

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In a corral there must be a single rooster, since if there are more, chickens walk too revolts, and that is never good for the community. A coach with enough personality and leadership, not shakes never pulse when taking certain disciplinary measures, when it comes to the conclusion that certain players with label of stars, who often believe themselves to be it, but do not come to this even stay far away from this adjective, endanger the coexistence within a locker room and therefore are excessively harmful to the proper functioning of the Group, since with its little professional behavior, they endanger the full development of what we know as a team, that as it is widely known, has as a basic concept that everyone is working for the benefit of all and not for their personal interests, within a collective looking for only the individual reward. If a coach, either technical categories of amateur or professional basis, allows for his lack of leadership skills, by neglect, cowardice or other interests inconfensables, that the players considered figures, seek your own brilliance, taking personal selfishness, which leads them to stand out above all others as a single flag no matter the least the benefit of the group to which they belong, is demonstrating his total ineptitude to direct to a collectivity, whether a football team or the choral polyphony of his people. Within a team, nobody can be more important than the team itself. And in the case of football gives much like footballer, is called even if it is the best in the world. The group is not to serve the individualities, the individual is one who is always at the disposal of the collective. Original author and source of the article

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