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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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In a corral there must be a single rooster, since if there are more, chickens walk too revolts, and that is never good for the community. A coach with enough personality and leadership, not shakes never pulse when taking certain disciplinary measures, when it comes to the conclusion that certain players...

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Guitar Teacher Gave My Old Job And Now Earns Six

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 02-01-2018

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Tom Hess Music Corporation congratulates Antony Reynaert, program participant Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle with the successful development of the business of teaching guitar. Antony teaches over 100 students, and his business brings six-figure annual income. 'Being a teacher for guitar teachers around the world gives me great satisfaction, "said Tom Hess, a guitar teacher and coach for guitar teachers. He adds: "The deepest satisfaction there then when I see the guitar teachers I've achieved the success of coaching. Antony Reynaert is an excellent example of the stunning success – one of many cases that I hear regularly. " Reynaert, guitar teacher from Belgium, has entered into a program to improve the skills of Tom teaching guitar when he was only 3 pupils. At that time he had to work at work is not related to music to support themselves.

13 months later, Reynaert (which at the time was only 23 years old) has transformed its business and now he has trained more than 100 students, working in several times less hours each week than he had to work at my old job. To date, Reynaert razshiryat continues its business, develop new programs and attract more new guitar students. In addition to this, Antony takzhke continues to promote his musical career as a solo musician and composer in the style of blues rock. Hess said: "I regularly receive feedback on tremendous success of guitar teachers in my progragramme. But the story of Antony impressive especially strongly not only his young age blagodrya, but also a great speed with which he was able to transform their business. Antony himself said: 'I now – your own boss. I can spend my time as I want.

Just a few months I have achieved perfect situation where I had both the money and freedom (of time). Of course, at the same time I help my students improve their skills playing the guitar. The knowledge that I learned at Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle have helped me achieve this goal much sooner than I had when I tried to do it yourself. "

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