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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Lengua Espanola

23rd edition of the dictionary the academic Pedro alvarez de Miranda has been appointed director of that Edition, which, like the one above, 2001, prepared in close collaboration with the twenty-one Academias de la Lengua Espanola remaining. All of them have been given the go-ahead to the numerous innovations...

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Henry David Thoreau

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 15-12-2014



With respect to the cultural space they are taken root the customs, the beliefs and what it is expected of an O-Man a woman. Therefore, the cultural space tends to perpetuate or no, the masculine violence within the scope of the pair diverse Existen types of violence within which they are: PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: This violence or aggression intimately is ligature to the blows, aggressions and also to the tugs, pushes, as well as to break objects, to remove knives and to threaten the pair. n, Henry David Thoreau said, " the majority of the people lives its lives in one shut up desesperacin". It seems to me that this phrase describes of singular way the one that is lived, when the family, the children, the women, and the same men, exercise the violence as a relation form. SEXUAL VIOLENCE: Like its name indicates east type of aggression is tie to the sexuality and its forms to exert it. It can go from imposing acts with which the pair does not agree and go against its will until the total indifference like punishment, by acts that the aggressor considers worthy to mistreat. Here they are putas, those that do not give rise their, those that are attractive, besides those, that did not manage to keep their virginity for him, even though they are fifty years old. How many atrocities comment in the name of the love! In this type of violence the punishment is permanent and constant.

The aggressor is an enchantment in the scope of the social thing. Nevertheless, in the plane of the privacy one becomes hostile, aggressive, distant, and somewhat, maltratador. This experience exerts in the victim a sensation of nonmerit, not being wished, and therefore, to border on madness. In his majority of the cases, the man with his force, per moments, imposes the sexual relations whatever the cost VERBAL AND NONVERBAL VIOLENCE: This it is a so subtle space, that it is hardly perceivable for exerts who it like for suffers who it, the pair.

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