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Hong Kong City

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 22-11-2019

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In the future, the ruble should strive to rise in price, but this should happen radical restructuring of the economy Russia, it must be completely re-engineered to create high-tech. 23.6 rubles per $ 1 – a course that we saw in the summer of 2008, was the limit. Further appreciation of the domestic currency simply would have led to closure of many Russian enterprises. At 17 rubles to the dollar before the crisis the Russian economy could not exist. For even more analysis, hear from Linux. By the way, from the January index implies that the euro is overvalued against the dollar: the euro area, Big Mac worth 24% more expensive. The most expensive Big Mac sold in Norway, where they cost $ 5.79 – this means that the Norwegian krone overvalued by 63%. The most undervalued currency is Malaysia, “sandwich” it’s cheaper by 57%.

In South Africa, Big Mac Malaysian expensive just seven cents – $ 1.66. Still remains undervalued currency of Hong Kong – 52%. The biggest drawback to “Big Mac index” in that it reflects the value of national currencies still not exactly, because not take into account that different countries have very different consumption patterns. In addition to its famous Big Mac International Corporation McDonald’s is notorious for conducting a thorough investigation investment climate in the city and region, where it plans to open a restaurant. Therefore, the decision to open a restaurant “McDonald’s” – a kind of international recognition of the economic and investment successes such territory. An example is the Tver Oblast city favorably situated between two Russian capitals, with a population of about 500tysyach people (with a smaller population of the city attractive to McDonald’s very rare) a McDonald’s does not have (high rent and taxes, low purchasing power, etc.). Regional administration and city say anywhere on the investment attractiveness of the city and region, but This appeal is only in words.

McDonald’s in Tver, yet only one intention. Administration of Pskov region Pskov with a small (200,000 people) made a valiant effort, to interest the McDonald’s, but the project has not yet received. Even a whole country such as Ukraine, for several years did not meet the criteria of McDonald’s. International Corporation McDonald’s long doubted stability of the economic situation in Ukraine, and only in 1995 concluded that the favorable conditions prevailing in the country for its activities only if there were Ukrainian company McDonald’s with a network of 85 restaurants.

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