The author also observes that the distinction of the two types of memory, in the practical one, becomes difficult, therefore they operates in set. As already it was related, they exist given that the memory of short term and these are transferred of to be stored, suffer a process from transformation and of codification. The used codes can be distinct, codification through the verbal representations or images (imagtica). 4. Esquecimento the memory selective and is limited in its capacity of storage. Therefore, the essential esquecimento is condition to the normal functioning of the memory. We can define esquecimento as the incapacity to remember, to recoup given, information, experiences that had been memorized in the past. The esquecimento can be provisory or definitive.
The esquecimento is essential therefore alone continues, throughout all the life to memorize information, because we obtain to forget another one. The esquecimento has a selective and adaptativa function, since it disdains the useless and unnecessary information and the conflituosos contents, hindering an excess of information accumulated in the brain that the captation of new information would block. The esquecimento is, normally, more related with the memory the long one stated period a time that, in the short-term memory, the time of retention of the information is too much short and passes to the memory in the long run or is extinguished. According to Izquierdo (2006), we forget most them information that arrive until us. Some theories already had been proposals to clarify because this happens (Sternberg, 2008). Between them, they are the Theory of the Interference and the Theory of Deterioration.
For the Theory of the Interference, the interference occurs when competing information, that is when the previous information intervenes with the new learning. esquecimento will be the result of the competition between similar answers. To the measure that the information goes being processed, the probability to be stored very similar information, makes with that the recovery if can process with bigger difficulty.