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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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International Monetary Fund

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 26-10-2019

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The International Monetary Fund, in its latest economic outlook for Europe report, sees much potential of job creation in our country. It also provides for Spain of the 0.7 per cent growth in 2011, provided that the appropriate measures are taken to make the labour market more flexible and cut root certain restrictions in terms of business, especially in the sector services. On the other hand they recommended to the Government a plan B that construct a budgetary consolidation and secure the deficit target of 6% the year coming, even though they were satisfied by the measures taken so far by the Ejecutivo.Son the advice and perspectives on Spain, but the report focuses on the future of the European Union. The main idea is that the economic recovery seems already a fact but it is being slow and uneven, with growth estimated 2.3 percent for this year and 2.2% for 2011, far already from the strong fall of 4.6% last year. Germany will remain the European locomotive, with a growth expected 3.3% but not more than 2% for 2011. However the IMF committed above all to Germany: possible that Germany surprised us with more activity than expected. That would have an effect on very important chain, indicates Ajai Chopra, director of the European Department of the IMF.The expert Economist stresses also that the current situation reflects rigidities structural in the markets for products, services and work, which will limit the growth potential of the area. Therefore glimpsed even many problems, among others the persistent volatility of stock markets and a lack of confidence in financial institutions.You can consult the guide of franchises to have greater repertoire of franchises in Spain. News, articles, interviews with franchises, new franchises, franchise Guide, all the news in the world of the franchise you can consult it in directory of franchises.

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