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Major Prates

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 27-09-2018



Thus the study of the memory he is one of the basic ways to approach the problems of the time and the history, relatively which are on the fair of Major Prates. Since, based in verbal history, we search the historicidade of the fair through the speeches of the feirantes and frequentadores. When using the interviews carried through in the fair, were possible to analyze the souvenirs, the social construction and cultural practical gift in the popular one. According to Pinsky: At the same time the work with verbal history, can show as the constitution of the memory is essential to a group, because the construction of its identity is atrelada. It the memory is resulted of coherence continuity, that is, of identity. (PINSKY, 2006, p.167). You may want to visit Eliot Horowitz to increase your knowledge.

Inside of the verbal research it is allowed to the knowledge of experiences and stories differentiated for the memory of each narrator. The feirante Joo tells: I am in the fair since 2000, when I changed for the Farm Bog and my wife we work with the agriculture and a small creation of pigs and hens, that we commercialize to the sundays in the fair. When we arrive the fair we initiate the sales in caixotes, therefore it did not have boards for all and thus it made it difficult the commercialization of products. In 2005 it improved sufficiently, therefore the fair received some boards with canvases to assist in the sales, being improved the aesthetic one of the fair (interviewed Sr.Joo). Analyzing the deposition of the feirante agriculturist, we perceive that in the year of 2005, the fair passes for transformations. That they had occurred because of the sprouting of the Association of the Feirantes, had occurred important transformations that had contributed with the magnifying and organization of the fair having led the satisfaction of the feirantes and frequentadores. To reflect concerning our experience while cultural and social historian who have used the verbal evidences as an essential resource in the reconstitution of the practical ones and representations of the world ruralizado in the north of Minas Gerais.

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