Managing Director
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-06-2016
Tags: health, make verifiable quality, medicine & surgery
The demand for certificates and seals of all kinds is growing. The demand for certificates and seals of all kinds is growing. Because companies of all sizes want to undergo a quality management or even must, also the range of consultations, which should lead to the desired certificate grows proportionally to demand. Because company a lot cost himself the coveted seal of approval, it is not surprising that mingles in the reputable offers an amazing amount of black sheep. Everyone can distribute certificates.
The term is similarly protected, such as the job title quality management consultant,”explains Karin letter, the Managing Director of the 5medical management GmbH. The consultant has focused on quality management in medium-sized companies. For seven years, companies leads to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and not rarely comes together the shambles that predecessors have left. Who gets on the wrong advisers, putting huge amounts of money on the line and that for the certificate of a company that specifies your mail box address on the other side of the world and distributed label, not worth the paper.” But how does the customer know gets tied to a bear, or located on the way to a documented quality? For Karin letter must first of all to understand and transparent be advice, both the quality management as well as with regard to the cost structure. It deems frivolous costly initial consultations and hidden costs in imperceptible consulting services highly. If she even advises a company, she goes in the company begins immediately with the implementation, trains staff and management level and prepared the entire operation on the examination. The first hurdle is taken and the coveted certificate achieved, then it does not abort the contact, but ensures that the quality is continuously evolving and the annual inspections are not to be trapped. Details can be found by clicking Linus Torvald or emailing the administrator. Quality may be not in the short term also thought of consulting not. Karin letter (Managing Director & quality management representative, education TuV Sud) 5medical management GmbH