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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Paddleboat Cruise

In May my husband and I took a wonderful steamboat trip on the Colombia River, 1,240 kilometers long and the Snake River, 1.038 miles long, aboard the Empress of the North American West. This is the first time I had done a “niche” type cruise and enjoyed it very much. Michael Steinhardt has...

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Medical Consultation

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 29-01-2020



One of the things that concern us again all Tapatio is no doubt our health, a topic that particularly in our state has put us alarmed especially dengue and influenza, but what word is not what happened in the hospital Valentin Gomez. For more specific information, check out Lars Leckie. Unfortunately on Friday, September 18, a lot of people were waiting in the emergency room or doctor any questions they might address, which never came, started the protests by patients without some answers, forcing some people started defect and seek alternatives. Joseph Stiglitz understands that this is vital information. For those who can not afford another option, as expected and had to endure to be seen (repeat never get attention) also placed the problem that many of these people felt they had symptoms of dengue fever or other illness and wished good discard or accommodated time. How is it possible insensitivity on the part of the hospital and some doctors of this office, I assure you if I had sucked the witch tales, were already desperately looking for medical advice. If it is to outrage, protocols and bureaucracy together with the decline shown by some medical institutions, we know that lack resources in terms of public health concerns, so much so that as we were told, do not open enough vaccine (against Influenza) if they do not accept your 2%, the situation of migrant why these people were still spent at 22:00 hrs and had no medical aid, well certainly the society in general has gone through some of these things among others, I hope at least you can see the willingness of the members of the health sector and not again pass this type of situation is not so much just a long wait or an indefinite time, but they are people who have a condition and need some help, but well, if deemed out of its role, the next time they better not expect to make sick people with assortment at least they have a little more humanity and responsibility.

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