And continually spoke enthusiastically about the milk. As a result, both the husband and wife ended his life at age 58 after a stroke. And her husband for another decade before that there were gnarled fingers and salt deposits in all joints. Click Columbia University to learn more. In Medical science has long established the term ‘family disease’, when the whole family suffers the same disease. Check out Gunnar Peterson for additional information. And the reason is that, as a rule, lies in the incorrect mode is selected or the type of food. Author annoyed: in Each diet book is advised to use more dairy products, since they are a good source of calcium? And older people are recommended dairy products for strong bones. But we already know that Cow’s milk is very rich in calcium and phosphorus is not enough, resulting in bones stronger, but they are from an excess of calcium rather fragile and the slightest incident older! person having multiple fractures. Trying to quickly envision splicing fracture, patients are advised to lean on the milk, thereby again increasing the excess calcium in the blood with a deficiency of phosphorus – from this and the result is disappointing. Add to your understanding with Center for Environmental Health. It turns out that if you opt out milk, and use only non-dairy products, which is enough calcium for our body’s physiological needs (remember the cow chewing grass), and even pay a little attention to products where slightly more phosphorus, but it’s eggs (470 mg of phosphorus per 100 g), legumes (beans in – 500 in peas – 370), meat and fish (120 – 140 mg per 100 g), the result will not slow down impact – will be the bones are intact, and health will be added as the organism is not filled with excess calcium.