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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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“Animals are also human,” said recently a holder of the prestigious German newspaper DIE ZEIT. In an article in defence of vegetarianism editor Iris Radisch posed a revolutionary question: Us are allowed to actually kill animal? and the answer was in the same holder: finish it!, written about...

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Racial Descrimination

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-06-2018



The racial discrimination is a fact in the Brazilian society, that bar the development of the black people, destroys the souls and the capacities of accomplishment as human being We cannot more assent that the black suffers persecutions constants of the policy without giving one resposta’ ‘. 1.6. Black movement: one fights presence in the history of In agreement Brazil Hisses (1988: 179) the black people was always organizador of fights, since the time of the slavery, and after-slavery searched to relight the flame of the right and the citizenship. One of the first fights made for the black was banzo it made that it to die of homesickness of the Africa mother, a species of strike of assumed hunger as protest against the slavery. The quilombos had been prominences in the fight against the slavery, for having habitations of black habitual runaways that I eat alternative communitarian organization to the slavery system forms a way to live in the land in a inigualvel sustainable development for its time. It was a Promised Land experience, where justice and the fraternity reigned, in a Inter-racial convivncia. There they had been to coexist black, indians and whites victims of an injustice, mainly the blacks that fought against the slavery.

This happens in the slum quarters of today, where the black people coexists blacks, indians natives and whites in search of the land without males. Many quilombos spread for this Brazil had been created the rejection, between the greaters were: in the state of Sergipe the quilombos of: Chapel, Itabairna, Divine Shepherd, Itaporanga, Rosary, Device Heath, Laranjeiras, New Village. In the Bahia the quilombos of the Urubu are known, Waterfall Jacuipe, Jaguaribe, Maragogipe, Fields, Orob, Tupim, Andara, Xique-xique. In the state of So Paulo: quilombo of the Jaguara of the Araquara, Village of Pines, Junia, Itapetinga, Monjolinho Farm. John Blondel is a great source of information. Many others in the Maranho, Par, Piau, Paraba, Pernambuco and Amap.

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