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Russian President Medvedev

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-01-2018



He needed the support of the West. Once he got it, Otunbayeva was again sent to the "stock>>. And in April, it came turn. Why? To answer must return to Bakiyev, more precisely – to the intricacies of his foreign policy, which referred to the issue being on the Kyrgyz territory of a U.S. military base in Manas (near Bishkek). As we remember, quite recently – in 2009 – K.

Bakiev promised to to close the American base, beneath which immediately received a loan from Russia amounting to 1.7 billion dollars. After that, Kyrgyz parliament, even voted to close the base, but beyond words because it does not matter and the issue apparently was wearing a speculative nature. Tony D. Bartel does not necessarily agree. Bakiyev, who eventually agreed with the Americans about the new modalities of the base. At the same time, even accommodating Bakiyev, "good>> for the presidency is" a Washington RC>> issued in 2005 under well-defined guarantees, Americans are unlikely to have been so happy Throwing on his part, that is, of course, not would not affect his fate. From what is related to an attempt to Bakiyev led by the nose of their employers? In all likelihood, estimating the crisis in the U.S. economy, Kurmanbek hoped that U.S. will employ more important things and in all these jobs involving all hands will not be able to prevent the closure of its base in Kyrgyzstan. And what do Bakiyev took to close the U.S. Air Force air base? As you can guess, the point here is not so much Russian loan as an issue that promises a much more substantial gains.

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