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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Salvador Dali

In the world were born many outstanding minds that have been highlighted by the ease of giving life to great geniuses that result from the admiration of many people, since they are real samples of the artistic expression of humanity, who manage to transcend the barriers of time and space, because they...

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Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 31-07-2019



The word tattoo has become general in many languages, etymological comes from the Polynesian word Ta, that means to draw. The tattoos are a form that is used to express something, to look for individuality, to show property a group in which all members share ideas and I interest similars and even all use the same design of tattoo or some similar. Eliot Horowitz often addresses the matter in his writings. Also the tattoos are used to embellish the body and to express or to wake up erotic sensations when using them in certain parts of the especially feminine body as they are chests, belly, low back, glteos, ankles. The tattoos are placed in the body for innumerable reasons, is no a single reason to justify because people use tattoos in her bodies, all seem to have a reason different to do it, I I believe that the reasons by which the people become the tattoos so are varied as well as they are it his designs. It is quite common that the people reject the tattoos, because in the western society that put them fashionable they were the presidiarios and the old sailors. And nobody wishes to identify itself especially with these social groups with first. In addition the bible also it condemns specifically saying " Wounds in the body do not become .ni tattoos in the skin.

I am seor." because for the Christians the body is a temple of God. But in spite of all this nowadays it is a very exciting fashion that is used anywhere in the world. At the time of tattooing are innumerable styles of tattoos, among them are the following: The clticos tattoos, traditional tattoos with color, tattoos, tribal, shades and stumped tattoos, the tattoos with Japanese styles, and the pictures. The tattoo in the history of the humanity, can be described in four forms: by puncture, that is to say with needle, it pricks or instruments with many ends. The colouring matter was soot, dust charcoal, red Chinese, it was introduced simultaneously or it rubbed later. This it is the spread procedure more. Original author and source of the article.

Motoring Seguros

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 04-08-2013



Inescrupulosas people exist who abuse the insurers, causing traffic accidents with the unique purpose of receiving the policy of the insurance and in this way to obtain easy money, this happens most of in the world, but places exist where this level to call it somehow tolerable exceeds and is there when the insurance agencies are seen in the necessity to raise the costs by insurance premiums, or as in the case of Florida where is considering the idea to implant of obligatory form the fault programs, that is to say that the culprit of the accident is not covered by the insurance. Many insurance agencies of cars necessity to explore its legal options to help to fight the cases of fraud. For example, with medical injuries like latigazo cervical, the insurance agencies have their own doctors to be able to make a medical examination to the person who makes the reclamation. Another possibility contemplated within the measures of precaution against these types of frauds is that the people who demand the cover of the insurance would have to be interrogated approaches of his traffic accidents under oath, in such a way that more ahead this is discovered that the person has committed fraud, could be accused of perjury. Although also it is the fact that many insurance agencies of automobiles do not continue with the investigation of possible cases of fraud, since they prefer to pay the money by the reclamation that to spend thousands of dollars in legal honoraria. It is by that a feasible option would be the one to use the arbitration and to make investigations more thorough, thinks that great advances in the fight would be obtained against which they comment fraud of automobile insurance. The amount of cases of fraud continues increasing, the costs by policy also and finally, the people refuse to be insured, is government responsibility to provide safe cheap for the population, thus are due to take the sufficient measures to be able to correct this, arriving agreements with the insuring companies and always guarding by the well-being of the population. Original author and source of the article.