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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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Reproductive Medicine

Fertilization of eggs obtained from the wife achieved by introducing sperm directly into the cytoplasm of the egg. Donation of an egg. Program ‘egg donation’ allows women who have no eggs in the ovaries, as well as at high risk hereditary diseases in the fetus, to make and give birth to a...

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The Management Professor

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 17-03-2019



The reciprocity reigns in this relation I and YOU, and in this meeting of convivncia, if it detaches the valuation of autoestima, the mutual care and the communitarian life, some of many aspects referenciados for Sousa, Miguel and Lima (2010). It is in the convivialidade that we can establish a genuine and reciprocal relation, with possibilities to establish a care and affection relation. Changes will only happen from the moment where to recognize the child and the adolescent in its contexts and necessities. Freire (1996) observes that the educator must have respect for educating as well as would have obtains proper.

The respect to the autonomy and the dignity of each one is an ethical imperative and a favor that we can or not to grant ones to the others. … The professor whom the curiosity of educating, its aesthetic taste, its inquietude, its language disrespects, more necessarily, its syntax and its prosdia; the professor who ironiza the pupil, minimizes who it, that he orders that ‘ ‘ it if puts in its lugar’ ‘ to the most tenuous signal of its legitimate revolt, as much how much the professor who if exempts of the fulfilment of its duty to consider limits to the freedom of the pupil, who if steals to the duty to teach, to be respectfully present to the formadora experience of educating, transgresses basically ethical principles of our existence. (FREIRE, 1996, P. 66, grifo of the author) The Management of the Well-taken care of preza for an overcoming of the violncias, stimulating a democracy accomplishes. A convivncia that is solidary from the construction of a peace culture where all the actors must be involved. This new to think directs about them to the autocrtica, making to rethink our attitudes. A school that it protects requires that its management is of care, that the people if find and if they feel stimulated to express its conflituosos points of view, its ideas regarding what they know and they believe, so that the divergences are dealt with respect and consolidate the relevance of the diversity in a group of with-experience.

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