The Steps
Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-10-2019
Tags: latest-news, news, noticias-actualidad
Therefore, how can these centres offer a treatment if they don’t know the dimension of the problem? And it is that only 26% of the centres visited made a correct identification of the problem of excess weight. Of the 110 centres of slimming visited the percentage of centers that were interested if the customer had recently become a blood test was 66%, an indispensable for a good diagnosis aspect. However, only 42% of the centers asked about three or personal or family of the patient, more history while asking whether he took any medication was not formulated in 66 of the 110 establishments visited, a fundamental aspect that sometimes affects both the treatment and its side ctos. Another of the steps you should follow after the physical examination is an anthropometric study (with which measures the height, the) weight, fat folds) essential to know if they exist or not a few kilos more, as well as the distribution and amount of body fat of the client. In particular, about 16% of the 110 centres visited missed this step.
Star products: Kings of the technical treatment and found that 36% of professionals offers an acceptable information about possible treatments. 47% Of the centers resorts to based products treatments star, an aspect that directly penalizes them because these therapies teach correct eating habits nor for maintaining long-term weight reduction. With regard to the duration of the treatment the results are not positive: according to consensus of professionals in the health, the logical thing would be that treatment lasted until you achieve the target set at the beginning. However, this premise only meets in 55% of the centres visited, so the rest fixed a specific date (22%) or leave it in the hands of the patient (23%). Professionals without training specific only physicians (endocrine or specialized in nutrition) or graduates and technical superior in Dietetics are qualified to establish assessments nutritional and dietary recommendations.
In this sense, the result is satisfactory: barely in almost one of every four establishments the professionals that attend these centres did not have recommended qualifications. In terms of customer service, just there are complaints in this sense except in 5% of workplaces in which qualified as regular treatment (especially significant in almost half of the centres visited in Murcia and Alicante) and in another as very bad (in an establishment of the murcian capital). Price: an average of 1,400 euros of the total number of places visited, three of every four occasions this initial consultation was free while in which they charged for that visit the average price is 35 euros. As for treatment, some establishments only offer customer paid it in full (in more than one of each) three) and others charge per visit (in nearly two out of three, about 63% of the centres visited). When treatment has to pay in full, the average price amounted to EUR 1,437. Source of the news: 55% of the centres of slimming suspends