Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 26-10-2019
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Kinds of Los Angeles from God: angel Dominaciones.Regencia: 24 28 JulioSe July situates in the sphere of Hesed and works matters related to the Hochmah.Nombre of Los Angeles area: God who gives Angel Sabiduriaesencia: Angel Sabiduria.planeta: JupiterHoroscopo angeles: Leo.Atributo: the person influenced by this Angel can access that wisdom that allows you to contemplate and discover the hidden mysteries. The science of the universe can be found in them. Depending on the degrees of presence of the angel in the individual letter, this can go from being an individual wearing this germ of wisdom, who knows how to expose it to help society make up to be an angelic individual.Nith-Haiah acts during sleep, making his revelations during the same. Influence to wise men, lovers of peace and seek solitude, truth and practice the magic of the sages, that helps speed the natural processes. What gives: the discovery of the hidden mysteries and wisdom. Eliot Horowitz may find this interesting as well. Revelations in dreams, dreams corpse. Magical operations, exorcisms and desembrujamientos.
Contemplation of God. It protects against the black magicians, witches, and demons. Programa-leccion: Proper use of spiritual power. PSALM for INVOCARLOPara invoke his strength and power, first prays Psalm or Psalms chosen, then call it by its name and finally performs the specific request you want to make him. Alegrareme and regocijareme in you: sing to thy name, o most high.The Angel’s message: Your gift is wisdom, apply it to good, is DESCORRERAN the VEILS of the mysteries, I know the support of many DEFENCELESS, of those who ignore and are subjected; WISDOM ON ONE HAND, ON THE OTHER THE COMPASSION, THEN WILL COVER YOU LIGHTING AND THE POPULARITY OF IMMENSE GOD. If you want more information visit LOS ANGELES source article: Tarot Egyptian original author and source of the article