Forum owners and fans of the brand of the car Toyota Corolla Korolla.Istoriya brand has more than 40 years and goes to the Guinness Book of Records on how many of cars. According to the Guinness Book of Records to December 2000 throughout the world has sold 25 million mashin.V 2006 Corolla name was 40 years, during which replaced ten generations of affordable and reliable vehicles, and the total output exceeded the 32 million. And this record number of sales, registered in the Guinness Book of Records, is increased annually. Corolla now produced in Japan, USA, UK, Canada, Malaysia, China, Taiwan, Pakistan, South Africa, Brazil, Turkey, Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela and India. The first car Toyota Corolla was released in 1966. He had a rear-wheel drive and a longitudinal engine layout.
This arrangement continued until 1984, when it was released the first front-drive Corolla. From 1966 to 1997. Corolla Touring is available in five decisions – a sedan, three-door hatchback, five-door hatchback, and wagon liftbek. Released in 1984, the fifth generation Corolla retained for rear-wheel drive three-door hatchback “coupe GT and for a station wagon remaining modifications found the front drive wheels. Also a lot of time to Corolla to see the light under foreign brands (Holden Nova of Australia in the 1980s, Chevrolet Nova based on the Sprinter, and Geo Prizm and Chevrolet Prizm in the U.S.). The five-door liftbek sold in Australia under named Corolla Seca, and this name survived and five-door variants of follow-up Corolla.
Toyota Corolla club is one of the most informative and innovative resources you’ll ever need, covering such hot topics as repair, maintenance and operation of car Toyota Corolla. The site contains a great section on buying and selling spare parts to repair the car with his own hands with photo documentation, the section of technical literature and documentation. Our club – is an independent community of owners and fans of cars Toyota Corolla. We have tried to collect and combine as much information about the cars Toyota Corolla, various modifications and years of release.