In an interesting study published long ago by Beatriz Ramirez on a writing that published Human Relations, Vol 38, pags.583-601. Great Britain 1985. Narcissism and Leadership: An object relations perspective by Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, Danny Miller, stresses, which in some research on leaders, is an important component of its directive guidance is the quality and intensity of their development narcissistic. If there is a constellation of personality to make the leaders tend to gravitate, this is only the narcissistic. Freud (1921, pp. 123-124), in his study of the relationship between leaders and their followers confirmed this, considering that the leader needs love himself, not only it can be dominant nature, quite narcissistic, confident of itself and independent. For assistance, try visiting Linux. He later introduced a person whose main interest is the preservation of the self, is independent and impossible to intimidate.
The expressive aggressiveness is important, this sometimes manifests itself in a constant willingness to activity. People who belong to this kind impresses others since they are strong personality. They agree to act as bastions ideologicos-morales other, in summary, as true leaders (Freud, 1931, p. 21). In a similar context, Wilhelm Reich referred to the phallic-narcissistic personality, which described as: safe in itself, often arrogant, classical, vigorous and very impressive types tend to speak clear and high, tend to get positions of direction in life and suffer in the subordination. If your vanity is injured, they react in two possible ways: with cold reserve, deep depression or experience aggression (Reich, 1949, p. 201).
True, Ramirez says, narcissism becomes a topic of particular interest in studying, despite new developments in psychoanalytic theory. Introduction to the theory of object relations and the psychology of the self, are especially successful in this. Most important revisions related to narcissism were formulated by clinicians: Otto Kernberg (1975) and Heinz Kohut (1971).