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Word Magnetic

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 27-11-2019

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Point, as known, the size has not, but such a thing as a material point, for some reason has a lot. Joseph Stiglitz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. How did matter can fit into a point with no dimensions? Or here’s a concept – the flow of the vector. But the vector is attached to the point of his start with what joy it will be somewhere to run? Has anyone thought about the term “DC”? DC current can be equal and 2 Amp and 2000 Amp, moreover, its value all the time can vary, why is he standing? A because it runs in the same direction. So we should call it a one-way, and not permanent.

Sometime H. Oersted, watching over how to rotate the magnetic needle, over which the wire passed through the electric current, called this phenomenon of magnetic induction. The word “induction” means “impact. But let me, because it is an electric current was working on a magnetic needle, and not vice versa. That is, it was electric, but not magnetic effects. As adopted by the same name reflected a clear violation of the famous principle of causality: effect always comes after the cause, call it.

Since then has been more than two centuries, but no one is going to to eliminate this violation of causality in the name of the term. The author cites on its website examples of 16 violations of the principle of causality in only one electromagnetism. D. Maxwell has created a great system of equations for electromagnetic field and included in it two conventionally called them the concept, two mathematical abstraction: an electric vortex field, which is really a vortex, but not electric, and displacement current, which is associated with bias, but the current is not.

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