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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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The Earth

In addition, it is important that at the top of the stem are 2 or 3 leaves. The Earth used must be very porous. They must use rooting hormones and avoid direct or excessive light. When the cuttings are planted must be watered periodically and sprayed with fungicide every 7 days. After three months, you...

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Soho City

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 24-10-2019


One of my best experiences has been visiting Buenos Aires. It is known and known that Buenos Aires is very similar and similar to certain streets of Madrid or Paris. In fact Buenos Aires is the city most European of Latin America. The first thing which I call attention was the vividness and quackery of the portenos. Filed under: Linux. Another uniqueness is the beef of very great quality that you can eat in the Buenos Aires restaurants. Below I have included some suggestions: sites or streets logos that you can not miss are Corrientes Street are where famous to eat pizza, books and theater without forgetting the intense nightlife.

Corrientes is a solid-State Street and you have to choose a specific section, i.e., between July 9 Avenue and Callao where you can eat pizza for thousand variants, go to the cinema in the beautiful sala Leopoldo Lugones, buy new or used in Edipo Libreria books. Another very interesting street is Honduras at the heart of Palermo neighborhood that leads us to the place of Cortazar and ramshackle and bright coffee of the Taller.La conversation and the Word are very important topics in this city and one realizes immediately of the quality of the portenos as talkers and communicators and also his interest in reading and the theatre (there are hundreds of literary workshops in this city).There are a total of 55 cafes protected against possible renovations that stealing them your essence. Among them we quote the famous Tortoni.Tambien can be considered to Buenos Aires as city of design and creativity that can be seen throughout the city especially in Palermo Soho, the neighborhood that has the same level as for example the New York’s Soho.It has many important museums such as for example the Museum of Latin American art (Malba). Another important Museum is the Museum of modern art (Mamba).Buenos Aires has touched the Rio de la Plata, very great, very wide and color Brown, near is the fashion of Puerto Madero neighborhood. Now as you know Buenos Aires brings the refinement and sophistication of a European city and sense and philosophy to live intensely in Latin America, a formula enviable when travelling all over the world.

Some Tips For Recycling At Home

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 19-10-2019


Some tips for recycling at home in some countries culture ecological is very well developed, and environmental education in children is very important, but in many others the trash without any kind of classification is pulled and they have no idea of landfills. Insurance do not know quantity of waste which are disposed of in your household. To learn how to recycle, should start from the beginning: what is recycling? It is an activity that serves to protect the environment and ensure the life of the planet. -For every ton of paper that is recycled, 17 trees are saved and saved 21 thousand liters of water; the air pollution is reduced and avoided 2.3 m3 of waste deposited in landfills. -Recycling glass we save 32% of the energy required to make new glass. -Per ton recycled glass saves a ton of resources. The energy saved by recycling one bottle light a 100 watt bulb for 4 hours. The recycling of waste is classified in organic and inorganic.

Organic waste refers to those waste from some be live like animals and plants. As for inorganic waste, residues of the creations of human beings such as metal, glass, or any electrical appliance we include in this. How can I organize to recycle? Buy several garbage containers, or places multiple separators in a big bin so you may have a garbage classification and your waste into five parts:-a space you can call it organic. There you can place eggs shells, shells of fruits, vegetables remains. Etc.

– One can call it glass. In this space you put bottles, any Cup that break and some other container of that material that you are no longer using. -Arrange the third space for metal. There you enter aluminum containers and steel-the fourth is for paper and carton. The leaves no longer use labels on containers and materials of this type are in this place. -The fifth could showerstall for recycling of plastic or others put you this same name. If you have some garbage that does not come in the categories before you can deposit them here. Located in your city places engaged in recycling. Maybe you don’t know any because you have not been outstanding, but insurance there are several. Some even get money by the way type of recycling as the aluminum case. I congratulate you for putting your grain of sand to help protect the environment!