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The first task in our business was establishing contacts.  Because we had business associates throughout America and Africa, this was relatively easy.  In addition, all our investors were bringing to the company many years of experience and through that, had already established many contacts.  We...

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The Professionals

Posted by Geneva | Posted in News | Posted on 07-09-2016



Therefore, to work in team became an ability very valued for the organizations that they search to form strategical teams. In this moment, other indispensable factors enter in scene as: assertividade, empatia, will to share the knowledge with the fellow worker and to know to ask for aid, when necessary. 5 – Goals – All institution needs to work with focus in results and by this reason they are determined plain of action. However, you are welcome it advances to trace objectives that run away to the reality and neither they can be conquered of ' ' day for noite' ' or ' ' in a pass of mgica' '. It is extremely viable to establish goals with enough time so that these can be reached. In case that contrary, the result will be a estressada team and formed for professionals who do not know which route must take to fulfill the stated periods definitive.

6 – Support – the goals have been charged of the professionals, the necessary institution to give endorsement so that the employees can atingiz them. Educate yourself with thoughts from John Blondel Goldman. Changing in small: to carry through a good work, the professionals need to count on the necessary equipment for the execution of its activities. 7 – Healthful environment – something ackwarier of what does not exist to arrive at the work environment and to find the place unprovided of the minimum conditions of hygiene. I do not detach a requintada infrastructure here, but yes one that allows to the employees access the clean rooms, bathrooms or refectories. A reminder: a campaign of internal awareness will always be welcome to remember that the healthful workstation only exists, when the employees also makes its part. After all, you are welcome he advances to ask for to the staff of the cleanness that has collected the garbage, if the professionals play ' ' small balls of papel' ' in the hamper.